Chapter 1

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Hi, Nikki here!! I read some books that the whole class goes to Disney, and then I realized that there were not a lot of them, that's why I'm writing this, for you guys.

Anyway, hope you enjoy.

P.S. I never been to Disney before, do some stuff may be inaccurate so don't judge me.....

P.P.S. If you have ever been to Disney World, can you give me some ideas of what it looks like and stuff like that.


Marionettes POV

Our class was waiting for the last bell to ring, since it was Friday.

Alya was talking about her ladyblog and who might be under the mask, but since she wasn't even close to discovering it was me, I wasnt really lisining to her.

At the moment, I was noticing that with every slight movement, Adrian's hair always flows like there was a light breeze, even inside.

I didn't even realize that the teacher was talking until the whole room bursted into screams of delight and some people were jumping up and down.

I look at Alya.

"What's going on?" I asked my best friend.

"Girl, weren't you listening," she asked me and I just shook my head no.

She sighted then continued.

"Don't you remember that contest we did with the other high schools in Paris, who can recycle the most, and we won!!!" She cried.

"What was the prize?" I asked her while racking my brain for any memory of the prize.


"The prize was 10 days at Disney World in Florida, America!!" She sqealed.

This times I joined her and we both jumped up and down while holding hands.

This was going to be a great vacation for me since I'm always saving lives as Ladybug, not that I mind. It's just exhausting sometimes.

I can't wait to go.

Adrian's POV

Like the rest of the class, I was waiting for the final bell to ring.

I was planning to take a stroll around Paris as Chat Noir, my alter ego, to make sure there were no Akuma.

And to mabie see Ladybug...

I heard the Ms.Bustier's Boise trying to get our attention.

I turned to face her as she was clearing her throat.

"As I hope you guys remembered, we entered a competition with the other high school classes in Paris to see which can recycle the most and guess what... WE WON!!!!! I am so proud of all of you for playing your part!! As a reward..... We are going to Disney World at Orlando, Florida in America!!!!!"

The whole class erupted in to screams of joy, happy that we were going to America.

"Dude that's awesome!" Nino said to me with excitement coated in his voice.

A miraculous field tripNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ