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You said,
"I should start writing."

Always have just never published
them. ( one of my old fears )

So why not start now?
Always have wanted to.

But my first poem will be about you.



I’ve been in love with you since I was 15

Taught me how to love, smile, be me

Through you I learned how to love for me

You never knew this but your love saved me

Since then you always held the key

Never lost it, even when we were lost at sea

But when will you unlock the door to say that maybe you’re one and only is me ?

Scared to lose you, but I know that’s selfish

I love you so much my heart just can’t help it

We stay in a short distance and our communication isn’t perfect

Then we use busy and tired as our cursive

So my heart screams out to my mind saying “ You’re worth it ”

But are you ?

We’ve been back and forth for years yet you still don’t show me the love that I know we can be

I know its not on purpose

Both too scared to lose cause we don’t want to fall on purpose.

Fuck the title just call me yours

Put in effort

Send me texts

Give me calls

Check up on me when you feel like something is wrong

I know what your real love feels like

And this isn’t it

As much as it kills me…

what if our love isn’t enough?

God knows I just want the best for you like how I want for me

I pray for you like I pray for me

During prayer my heart and eyes go weak

You never leave my mind week by week

Wanting more of you like how legs needs knees

Been back and forth, and this deja vu hits a new streak

Will our love ever hit the top to get a peak ?

Am I the one or just another chick added to your past sheet ?

Just have to know do you really care for me to let our love build its street ?

Is our love to you something thats worth it.


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