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Feeling low.
So I'll step out to blow.

Play some music,
Let my soul roam
while into the thin and thick layers of smoke I go,
This feeling is what I know.

Feeling free and loose.
But still altogether without the need for the glue.
Everything doesn't really fit,
So this ain't really my shoe
But I wear it best.

You know whats next
A feel of peace and success
With joy and hunger
Sometimes occupied with the blues.

Mary Jane knows my heart.
She knows you.
We have a understanding but sometimes our comprise level is just too far apart
To connect with my mind.
Put it on E,
I need to rest
You're giving me more stress
Then again she'll never cheat
And that's the best.

Always here for me
She's my high paid personal therapist
Only gives me a test when it comes to growth 
Or if I need to vent,
I either feel her in my heart or in my chest.

After our time of complex but relaxed progress
she leaves me to handle the rest
Of this world that is full of vex and hex.
I let her be,
But I find her the next day by my door
Like she's my pet and needs to pee.

That's why I love Mary Jane because she can be trained so I can be at my best.

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