The hunt - Chapter 2

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21-09-2013 2:18

Los Angeles - United States

The cold September air that rolled in from the Pacific Ocean gushed through the alleys between the warehouses near the dock where thousands of containers were mounted up, ready to be shipped away. The waves that rolled in on the beach with a thundering sound masked the laughing of a group of men concealed in the shades of the warehouses, created by the bright moonlight.

'Well, well, well, what do we have here?'

TJ, the most wanted drug dealer in LA circled around Emily in the center of the alley. His slow, threatening steps made her nervous. She fumbled around with her fingers and she could feel her rapid heartbeat all the way up in her throat. TJ's men had surrounded her, their guns ready in their hands.

'What's your name, blue eyes?' TJ stopped in front of her. The warmth of his breath on her face sent shivers down her spine. The stench that came out of his mouth was even worse than that of the rotting garbage in the alley.

'My name is none of your business.' She looked him in his cold, dark brown eyes.

Emily's natural soft voice and kind posture had no intimidating effects on the tall drug dealer at all, instead, he started to laugh, just as she had expected. He took a few steps backward and wiped away a tear from the corner of his eye from laughing so hard. Silent whispers and chuckles arose amongst his men. This was her chance.

She rushed backwards and knocked out the man closest to her. With a few quick exchanges of blows and kicks, she had easily eliminated half of TJ's men.

TJ was stunned and quickly opened fire. His remaining men immediately followed his example. Emily dived behind a steel container. The stone floor scraped open the fabric of her jeans and in turn, the skin on her knees. She quickly crawled back to her feet and attacked the first two men that came after her before they had the chance to shoot. She held up one of the motionless bodies to protect herself from the bullets of TJ and his last two men. She threw the bullet seared body at them when they were out of ammo. They closed their eyes and raised their arms in front of them as a reflex and that was her moment to charge at them. She dropkicked his henchmen against the wall and turned around to face TJ.

'Who are you?' TJ dropped his gun and took a few steps backwards.

Emily looked into his fear-filled eyes and walked up to him, smiling kindly.

'Where's my little sister?' She asked, her soft voice had a soothing tone in it.

'How? How can you still be standing?' He looked at her, his lower lip trembling with fear. He took a shaking step backward.

Emily looked down at herself and noticed the blood pouring out of a few gunshot wounds. They must have gone through the body she held up earlier. She hadn't noticed.

'Where's my little sister?' Emily ignored his question.

'You... you're not normal! You're a monster!' TJ tripped over a body as he wanted to increase the distance between him and Emily. He crawled backwards on his hands and feet as she drew closer.

'Just tell me where Lucy is and you and your men can go.'

'T-T-There.' He pointed at a window in a warehouse opposite him.

'Thank you.' Emily smiled and turned around to find Lucy.

'Are you alright?' She put Lucy next to her in the car.

Lucy faintly nodded and wrapped her arms around her knees. She was shivering heavily. Her dark jeans and grey top were torn and there were a few minor scratches on her arms and legs.

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