The hunt - Chapter 7

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22-09-2013 20:00

Los Angeles - United States

A chilly wind arose as the night rolled in. A few dark clouds decorated the warmly colored sky. The stars were starting to break through and the moon was shining down its pride as well. Near a dimly lit lamppost a man was sitting on a bench, looking on his watch impatiently. He nervously moved the heel of his shoe up and down, staring at every tall figure that moved passed him.

'Isn't it beautiful, Alex?'

Alex cocked his head to the sound of the low voice, the memories it brought sending shivers down his spine. The only bright thing about the tall figure in front of him, were his dominating blue eyes. He was dressed in jet cargo-jeans, a dark-grey sweater and a black leather jacket. His ebony colored hair was put back in a tight ponytail.

'You're late.' He got up from the wooden bench and pulled up his collar. 'They already left for Japan.'

'You HER people are only able to think about work.' Kevin looked up at the sky. 'Sometimes you just need to relax.'

'There's a private jet waiting for us at a small airport not far from here.' Alex continued. 'Let's go Kevin.'

Kevin looked at him amused, then shot his arm forward, wrapping his hand around his throat. Alex tried to pull his hand away with both of his, desperately gasping for air, but Kevin didn't budge. He lay his other hand on Alex's shoulder, pushing him down to his knees.

'I don't think you're in the position to be giving me orders, Alex.' Kevin lay an extra emphasis on his name, almost spitting it at the choking man. He released his grip on his throat and pushed him back on the ground. Alex coughed heavily and rolled over to his knees, gripping his throat with his hand.

'Don't forget the deal you made with Paul.' Alex gasped, barely audible. 'You're working for us now.'

'I'm sorry Alex. Did you just say something?' He kneeled down in front of the squirming man and put a thumb on his Adam's apple. 'I think there's something in your throat.' He pushed his thumb up, causing Alex to heave. Kevin let go of him and got back to his feet.

'So, where's that little plane of yours?' He looked up at the sky again. 'Come on now, Alex. On your feet. We don't have any time to lose. They already left for Japan you know.'

Alex glared at him and struggled back to his feet, his neck adorned with red finger marks which would surely turn blue in a couple of hours.

'That way.' He held out his arm to the south and waited for Kevin to start walking, then grabbed his phone. He quickly created a text message for Paul to keep him updated.

"Met with Kevin. Going to Japan now. I want more money."

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