The hunt - Chapter 4

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22-09-2013 11:30


Los Angeles - United States

The cafeteria was located near the beach and its exterior was almost entirely made out of wood. It used to be their meeting place when they were still in high school. It wasn't crowded. Only a few people taking a morning stroll along the white sand. Emily and the others approached the cafeteria, immediately noticing their old friend.

'Muffy!' Emily screamed and jumped into Elijah's arms. The big Arab laughed and patted Emily on the head, messing up her hair.

'You haven't grown at all!' Elijah teased. Emily was about 164 centimeters, the smallest of the group. Elijah on the other hand was the tallest with his 195 centimeters. He was also the broadest and the most muscular.

'Elijah!' Chris greeted and gave him a brief hug.

'Chris, how good to see you!' He hit his old friend on the shoulder, then turned his attention to Al.

'Ally!' he screamed and embraced Al, lifting him up from the ground.

'Air Elijah! Air!' Al gasped. Elijah put him back to his feet.

'Have you gained some weight my friend?' Elijah winked.

'All muscles,' Al replied, rubbing his belly.

'Where are Megan and Connor?' Chris asked.

'They're on their way.'

'This is my little sister Lucy.' Emily pointed at Lucy.

'It's nice to meet you, Elijah.' Lucy politely shook his hand.

'Please, call me Muffy,' he replied.

'Alright, let's go inside, shall we?' Chris walked into Rickley's cafeteria.

'Muffy?' Lucy whispered at Emily.

'Because he has such a big heart,' Emily replied.

Rickley's cafeteria was very small. It had but ten tables and a small bar. Nevertheless, it was well known to the inhabitants of LA. It's blueberry pies and syrup pancakes made your mouth water by just looking at them. It's grilled cheese and white bread toast were famous. The benches were wooden, covered with a thin red pillow and the small, round tables had a cozy looking table cloth on it.

They sat down at a table in the corner and ordered some drinks. The big Arab sat on the edge of the bench and folded his muscular, tanned arms. His long, wild black hair was tied back into a ponytail and his short beard and mustache were stylishly trimmed. Chris sat on the bench opposite him, his slender, pale posture and blond short hair looked somewhat amusing compared to the big Arab. Emily and Al sat down next to Elijah and before anyone could say anything, a young man and woman stepped into the cafeteria.

'Oh please Connor! Like you're that wonderful!'

'Come on baby! Don't be like that. I know you missed me.'

Connor Simms and Megan Vaughn. Always fighting, never got along with each other.

'You're ridiculous!' Megan shouted.

'I'm unique,' Connor retorted smiling.

Megan rolled her eyes skyward and walked towards the table in the corner.

'Hello guys,' she greeted. The tall woman was dressed in a kaki top and army pants with heavy, black boots. Her dark skin brought out her green eyes perfectly.

'Hey,' Connor greeted and sat down next to Emily. Emily gave him a short hug as a greeting. Connor was the more charming one of the team. With his pearly white smile, seductive gaze, long dark blond hair and his smooth talking, he was able to charm everyone. Except for Megan.

'Muffy, how's your girlfriend doing?' Megan sat down next to Elijah.

'We broke up actually,' he replied.

'Guys, may I have your attention.' Chris folded his hands on the table in front of him. Everyone turned their gaze to Chris and the group fell silent.

'May I just...' Emily said, interrupting the silence. Chris gave her a questioning look.

'Just... it won't take long.' She stood up. 'Just want to give Megan a hug.'

Megan smiled and leaned over the table, giving Emily a hug.

'Hi Megan.'

'Hey girl.'

The rest of the group smiled amused as Megan and Emily sat back down again.

'Are you done hugging now?' Chris looked at Emily.

Emily smiled and nodded.

'Okay, you have all been updated about the story of the Ruby Pendants by now. And seeing as you're all here, you're also interested in coming along.' Chris started. 'We have to get passed some extremely tricky booby traps so it's not going to be an easy trip, I can tell you that.'

'So, the purpose of this little treasure hunt is to retrieve those Ruby Pendants? Nothing more?' Connor asked.

'Yes,' Chris replied. 'And I intend to unite them again. But I can promise that there's much more to find then just those pendants. As with all ancient temples, there is lots of treasure buried down there.'

'Which we will sell to museums for lots of money?' Connor asked.

'My God Connor! Is that all you think about?' Megan exclaimed.

'No...' Connor replied as he winked at a waitress that passed by.

'You disgust me.' Megan shook her head in disapproval.

'I'm sorry Megan, I'm busy now. Can I ignore you some other time?' Connor got up and went after the waitress.

'Okay, fantastic. Any other questions?' Chris asked.

'It doesn't really matter,' Elijah said. 'Everyone here will come with you either way. It's not like we have anything better to do.'

'Muffy's right.' Megan nodded. 'I couldn't care less where we're going or what we're going to do, as long as I can get some action, I'm cool.'

'Count me in as well.' Connor sat back down and folded up a small piece of paper with the waitress' number and put it in his pocket.

'Great!' Chris exclaimed and leaned backwards. 'Emily, Al, you'll take care of the proficiency.' Chris quickly winked at Al. 'Muffy and Megan; equipment. Me and Connor will take care of the transport.'

'What about me?' Lucy asked.

'Wow, wow, back up,' Connor said. 'She's coming along? Who is she anyway?'

'My little sister, Lucy,' Emily replied. 'And yes, she's coming along, cause I can't leave her alone at my place. She's only sixteen. Besides, she can speak Japanese.' Emily got up and reached into her pocket for some money.

'Yes Ma'am.' Connor raised his eyebrows.

'I'll go pay now.' She smiled.

'Wait!' Al said. 'I'll come with you.' He worked his way passed Lucy and Connor and followed Emily to the counter.

'No way!' Megan laughed as she looked at Al and Emily standing by the counter.

'He's still in love with her?' Muffy asked.

'It's been how long now?' Connor asked.

'Almost four years,' Chris replied.

'And he still hasn't made a move?' Connor shook his head amused.

'Not everyone is as charming as you,' Muffy replied.

'Well, there's nothing to it really.'

'Don't be so modest, you're not that wonderful,' Megan retorted.

'All set?'Chris asked when Emily and Al walked up.

'Yeap,' Emily and Al replied simultaneously. They looked at each other surprised and laughed.

'Okay...' Chris said and seemingly swallowed away a comment. 'Let's go then. Everyone knows what to do. Lucy, you go with Megan and Muffy.' Chris winked at Lucy who showed an amused smile.

'We'll meet back in front of Rickley's in three hours.'

The HuntTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon