Chapter 1: New Life, Who Dis?

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Alexis's pov-

"Thank you Alexis. You may sit down." My professor said as I got done with my slide show of pictures. I've decided to go back to school, part time only as of right now. I nodded and sat down.

"Okay. The next assignment will be due next Friday, the project is...." She began but I zoned out. My classmate who is also a friend I made here, Marissa, nudged me telling me the bell rang.

"Come on, let's get something to eat" Marissa suggested. 

"Yeah. I want pizza." I said while sticking my laptop in my book bag and swong it over my shoulder.

"We had that yesterday" She whined. "Don't you want something different today?"

"No. Now come on, pizza."


After school I drove to the apartment. As soon as I walked through I was greeted with crying. A baby crying to be exact.

"Miiiiiia, Aylinnnnnn." I called out happily.

"Alexis! Your back!" Mia greeted me, while holding Melanie in her arms.

"Yeah, how's she been?" I asked setting my things down on the counter and joined them on the couch.

"She's fine, just a little fussy. Be we stayed under control didn't we?" She asked the last part in a baby tone to Aylin who seemed to calm down.

"That's good, now let me hold the baby for a while." I said sticking out my hands ready to grab her. Mia nodded and gently placed Aylin in my arms. An instant smile formed on my lips. I'd take in her looks everytime I looked at her, just simply breathtaking.

"So. How was school?" Mia asked as she turned on the TV.

"Eh, it was alright. I had pizza so that's good." I laughed. "Where's Benn?" I asked.

"Taking a nap as usual. I don't know how he can stay asleep while Lin was crying." She said. I nodded. "I'm glad it's Friday."

"Same, I get to spend more time with Aylin."

"Its not like you don't do that already" Mia laughed.

"I know, it's just. I don't know.." I shrugged. I started to play with her, I tapped her nose and played with her toes. A toothless smile rose from her face causing me to smile and laugh.

"Do you ever think about him anymore?" Mia asked out of the blue. I stopped playing with Aylin and turned my head towards her. "I hate asking but...I just wanna know. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

I breathed in deep before saying "Of course I do. How could I not. Sometimes I wanna check on his insta or twitter, just to see what's he up to or if he's doing alright. But I don't do that, I dont really need to worry about him anymore.."

"What do you think he's doing now? And not just him, what about the other guys too."

"I can't say, maybe they're touring. Probably making new music, I don't know." I thought.

"You think him and the girl are still toge-"

"Okay. We can stop now." I interrupted her, feeling sad and upset.

"Yeah, sorry." She apologized. "I'm gonna go wake up Benn. We need to go to the store today."  She said standing up disappearing into their room.

I turned my attention back to Aylin "You would've liked him. He would've liked you too. Who knows, you might meet him someday. You'll have to at some point.." I told her, as if she could understand me. "Sometimes I wish I could see him again, you know what I mean...of course you don't your a baby." I laughed.

Lucky Us. ▪ Andy Leo/ Crown The Empire FFWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt