Chapter 2: rendezvoussss.

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Alexis's pov-

"Aylin, come on babe smile for me" I whined to the little baby lying on the floor while I tried to take pictures of her for my project for school. I waved things in her face and attempted to make funny faces that just ended up being derpy. Her face still a stone gaze.

"Bennett come here I need you're help!" I called out. Hearing his heavy footsteps came down the hallway he placed his hands on his hips.

"What ya need?" He asked.

"Can you make her smile please, I've been trying for so long." I replied rubbing my forehead.

"Oh yeah." He said confidently. He squatted down and started talking baby to her and doing things with his hands. She seemed to be easily entertained by him. I mumbled a 'well hell' and snapped pictures of her. She started to make cute baby noises that were to die for.

"Keep doing that Benn." I giggled. He added some weird noises and Aylin fell for everything her father was doing. I snapped a few more pictures then told him to stop. "Okay, that's good. Thank you."

"I wanna see." I pulled up the gallery and went through them. "Oh my gosh look at her" He laughed and pointed at Aylins toothless smile . "You don't need her anymore then?"

"Nope, that's all I needed....thanks" I replied, turning my camera off and putting it back in its bag.

"Anytime Lex...Come on my child, I think you pooped and you do not smell good. Now you mother isn't here to help me but we'll get it won't we?" He said to Aylin as he picked her up and went to their room. I sighed out and smiled at the sight that just was in front of me. Going to my computer and plugging in my camera Mia walked through the door with bags in her hands and a person trailing behind her.

"So. Before you say anything, I was walking out the elevator to come home and guess who I ran into..." She started, she moved out the way to reveal Caity.

"Caity!" I yelled, hopping off my seat and ran to her. Giving her a hug. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well I was visiting my brother here, he lives down the hall. I was leaving to go see the guys. I haven't seen Hayden for about 3 months now." She replied. I nodded. "Have you seen them recently? I was hoping to ask you how Haydens been without me." She laughed.

"No I haven't actually. I haven't seen them in about a year." I said. She opened her mouth to say something but Mia walked back in.

"Caity, I'd like for you meet Aylin." Mia said while Benn trailed behind her.

"Oh my gosh!! Look at her" Caity clapped. Automatically taking Aylin away from Mia. "She's beautiful Mia... You did great Bennett." She joked.

"Hey. It wasn't just him. My gosh having her was the worst. They recommended me to do a c-section, but I said no. I wanted to have her the way I'm supposed to." Mia replied running her fingertips through Aylin's hair.


"Well it was great seeing you guys, but I told Hayden I'd be there a while ago." She took out her phone. "Look at that, he texted me asking if I'm dead." She laughed.

"Aw well sorry for keeping you. Tell Hayden you had a friend reunion and met someone new." Mia replied taking Aylin from Caity and putting her in the crib.

"Oh I sure will, he needs to come and meet her sometime. You still kept in touch with them Benn?" She asked.

"The last time I talked to them is before Aylin was born. I just talk to Brendan every now and then." He said. She nodded and got up to put her shoes on.

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