Chapter 4: felicitations.

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Alexis's pov-

After breakfast we came back to Hayden & Brandon's place. Taddie and I were basically drunk on waffles and full to the max. It was just hitting 11 and I couldn't help but wonder what I'd be missing in photography class. I had real good pictures of Aylin. And I wanted to show them off.

"So lex. How's school going?" Taddie half asked why laying limp on the couch.

"Its great. Met new people, doing what I love. It's great. How the band been doing since I left?" I responded. Taddie shrugged then sat up a but more straight when he answered.

"Well...when you first left, it was hard. Like really hard. We all missed you like crazy, you are a special person that was sun our lives then once you left...all the happiness seemed to fade as well. I think it hit me the most but Andy - well I don't know if you care - but he was also really upset and sad bout you leaving. Hopefully because he knew he was the reason. Honestly, I don't like the kid as much as I did because of what he did but I could've actually see you guys lasting a long time... it's such a shame and I don't blame you for pursuing leaving. You know he had the nerve to bri-"

"Okay I get it Taddie" I interrupted him, knowing where the story would go and I wasn't up for it.

Who am I to say what he shouldn't or should do.. I did miss him, of course I did. I would me lying if I said seeing him with her hurts me a little. Andrew didn't even give 'us' a chance and I'm upset about it, he just wanted something quick appreiently.

"...Sorry kid. I -- we still love you." Taddie said softly with a sympathetic smile. I gave a smile back and let out a sigh.

"Hey so when are we going to meet Benn's baby??" Brandon said coming down the hallway with different clothes on.

"Whenever you want to I guess?" I said - more like a question than an answer.

"Let's go right now. I WANT TO SEE CHILD!" Hayden yelled from the kitchen. Crazy...crazy I tell you. I pulled out my phone and texted Mia if she was home and if it was okay for the guys to come and visit - which, they were both home and said it would be fine.

We all got up and grabbed our things and headed towards the door - until someone knocked at the door. Hayden went to open the door and a distressed looking Andrew came through. He came in pacing back and forth.

"Dude. You good?" Brandon asked the stressed Andrew.

"Naw man....can we in your room.." His voice shook as he answered. I got worried that something was really wrong and I couldn't help be a bit nosey.

"Uhh sure... excuse us ladies." Hayden excused themselves, leaving Caity and myself.

Caity hummed. "Hm. I wonder what's up. I've never seen him like this."

I nodded "Yeah, same."

"Well we shouldn't just stand here, let's sit and wait.."

Andrew's pov-

I couldn't believe those words have came out of her mouth. I really didn't know what to do with myself. So I did the worst thing I could do in this moment - I left. Leaving her there.

I dove into my car and headed towards the first place that came to mind. I needed them, probably now more than ever. Once I got there I quickly went up to their floor, my hands were sweating - very clammy. My heart was also beating fast still from the news. I knocked on the door and prayed they were at home and hadn't left anywhere. I ran my hands through my hair attempting to dry them off somehow. Hayden opened the door - I went in without asking, pacing. I seen Alexis again and I wanted now more than ever to go in her arms and be cradled like a little baby by her. I blinked my eyes attempting to get rid of that thought.

"Dude. You good?" Brandon had asked me.

How could I be? "Naw man....can we in your room.." I asked. My own voice surprised me because of how shook it sounded.

"Uhh sure... excuse us ladies." Hayden said to the girls. I started to make my way to one of their rooms and I flopped on the bed. Running my hands through my hair again exhaling loudly.

"So...whats going on?" Taddie asked, while taking a seat on the floor.

"Edvlina..." I paused. "...edvlina said that she's..." paused again. "She's having my...child." I finished. To me it didn't even sound right. My boys looked at me in disbelief. I more or less felt the same.

"What...?" Brandon said shaking his head slightly. "You sure it's yours?" He added. Taddie slapped his leg.

"Yeah..I think so. She wouldn't have cheated on me, I know that for sure." I answered and looked over to him.

" what you thinking?" Hayden asked.

I shrugged my shoulders "I'm gonna stay with her because thats my child...I mean I'm so young I'm only 22. But I did it - I'm gonna have to step up. But I don't wanna stop doing what I love I refuse to let that happen so w-"

"Wait" Tassie stopped me. "You just this news...why are you here? You need to be with your girl. Congratulating her on this." He said firmly.

"What was I supposed to do - other than hug her and thank her for having my child? I'm scared dude okay? I know it's a great thing and I should be happy - which I am - but... hearing that like in person changed everything. I'm scared man. I feel terrible for leaving her there just sitting on the couch but I couldn't really handle it...I guess I just need you guys to say it's okay and I'm going to be fine." I poured out.

"You really think you need reassurance from us?" Brandon asked slowly. We all know who he was talking about. And I don't think I needed it from her.

"Yeah..dont you think so?" I asked hoping that they would say 'no we'rejust messin'.

"No man." Hayden said putting his hand on my shoulder. "You might not need reassurance from her but you defiantly need to talk to her.. Y'all left on a horrible foot after she left. I think you just need to talk to her. Both of you update each other on your lifes." He ended. He just might be right.

"Okay...bring her in here." I said slowly. The boys all nodded and left giving meas congrats on the baby.

Whoa I'm going to be having Wow.


Hellooo my beautiful ppl. I'm honestly so sorry. I was super busy with school. I graduated tho!!! And everything is gonna be great. I'm also gonna go to college but that's not until the end of August but still it's crazy!

Thank you to everyone that still has this book in their library y'all the real deal like for real. And I'm sorry to all of you who have been waiting for an update - I want to have this book completed before I leave for college (but the way I update and write that doesn't seem like that'll happen lmaooooo send help) it's fine..

Another thing I'm not totally sure how old Andy is but I think he's at least 22 or 23 if anyone know for sure pls tell me an I'll change it thanks!

Anyway thank you so much for the reads and comments I look at all of them even if I don't respond I see all of them. I love you all and I hope you have a great day!💞

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