Chapter 5 : ketchup (pun intended)

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"So you know the way to do the light things with the pictures?" Caity asked me - intrigued with this idea that I could do pictures that are called 'light painting.'

I laughed at her eagerness "Yes. I can do that."

"Oh my gosh, I'm going to need you to like do a shoot of me and do that light stuff. That just amazes me." She told me, using her hands for more exaggeration.

"Sure I can do that, literally just let me know. I'm usually not too busy just with a fe-"

"Lex.." Taddies voice interrupted. The both of our heads to meet his figure.


"He...he wants to talk to you." He said slowly. I looked at him confused. Why would he want to talk? I got up and made my way towards the room, not really knowing what to expect.

I opened the door and Andrew was standing up looking out the window. I closed the door to let him know I was now in the room and I made my way to the end of the bed and sat. Hearing him inhale he turned around. "Hey." He said softly.

My posture slouched a bit, not feeling as nervous anymore. "Hi." He came and sat at the other side of the bed.

"How have you been?" He asked. I wasn't going to be one of those girls that snap at his question which he obviously knew the answer to. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm doing okay. How about you?"

"The same." He paused for a second. "I told them to ask you to come in here because, it's been a little bit since we last seen each other. And I wanna tell you some things and ask you some things as well."

I nodded my head waiting for him to go on. He returned the nod and continued to talk.

"I first want to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry about all the things I've said to you. And I'm sorry for putting you through everything I did. I'm an actual dick man. And I know you won't want to hear this or you might feel uncomfortable with this but...just please hear me out.. When you left I missed you so much, i wanted to take everything back. Aside from Taddie yell at me along with all the other boys... I missed you a shit ton. I realised what I had one and I couldn't forgive myself.  I am happy with this relationship but I feel like I would be just as happy with you. And the crazy thing is, is that we weren't even together... We were gonna date when I came back from that tour we did. But I fucked up so bad. And you know what, I could've fucking cut her off and continued to pursue our relationship.." he took a long pause.

I was immediately taken back by everything he said. I felt like he shouldn't be explaining the fact that he 'misses' me because he does have a girl and I'm not that type of person that'll knowingly ruin/change a relationship.

"And now I guess it's biting me in the ass for it.. Don't get me wrong I'm not mad this happened but - its just too fucking fast ya know?" He finished, shaking his head.

No. I didn't know what he meant because I don't know what he's talking about. "No I don't know. You wanna tell me what's up? Why are you suddenly pouring all this out? I'm not understanding the motive. So why don't you slow down and tell me what's up." I told him - truthfully.

"Okay." He said. "I just found out some news and I'm not sure how to handle it." He stopped again. I mentally sighed really loud I just wanted him to finish his thoughts! "Edvlina just told me like...not even 20 minutes ago, that she's pregnant. And I'm assuming it's mi- I mean I know it's mine. She's not the type to go out and cheat." But you are ... "I just really wanted to tell you that I'm sorry and I just added another update."

I was genuinely surprised. Andrew honestly doesn't seem like the type to have children (at a really young age.) I was also confused on why he was here and not with his girl that's carrying his child. "Congratulations" I said dragging out the word as if I don't know if it's a good or bad thing. "Why are you here though. You should be with her.. Celebrating the gift of life you guys produced ya know."

"I know but I'm fucking scarred dude!" He voice strained. "I didn't know how to react so I just came to my boys!" I couldn't help but laugh. "..Please don't laugh at me, I'm very vulnerable right now."

It didn't really feel right but I wanted to do it as well. I slid over and gave him a hug and said "Okay listen. Let's just forget what happened between us, because truthfully nothing did. I fucking hate being so awkward around you I want to go back to us playing around with each other and just having fun.. So congratulations on the baby, if you ever need someone to talk to or just to help out with something just let me know."

"Thank you for that.. I'm not sure why but I really needed that. Thank you Lex." He warmly smiled at me.

"Okay." I clapped. "Now let's get out this room and you need to go back to your girl." I said pushing him out the door. We made it to the living room and Taddie stood up, he had an expression on his face like 'Im confusion whas goin on.'

"Chill out Taddie...all of you." I stopped before anyone could say anything. "We worked everything out and now we're friends again."

"Bout god damn time." Brandon said under his breath. "Took you long enough. Do you know when you came over and the other came later the tension and awkwardness was hella thick, so now I feel better that y'all are talking again. But if Andy fucks up again, we got your back Lex."



hello everyone. sorry for the long wait, it's truly unacceptable. hopefully this is long enough to tie you guys over for a lil bit, my plan is to make at least 2 - 3 chapters before I leave for college bc I know I'll be busy those first few weeks. Thank you all who read this and have been waiting for so long you are honestly the best, ily.

Also there's alot of dialog in this (not sure if I like it lmao). next one will be more writing.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2017 ⏰

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