Chapter 3: Aquainted.

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I stopped listening to Caity and listened to Hayden carry on the conversation at the door. I knew who it was. It was the rest of them. My heart increased a little, know that I'll be seeing Taddie, David and Andrew in just a short amount of time. The palm of my hands got sweaty for the second time today. I think Caity caught on that I wasn't listening because she stopped talking and Brandon sat to the left of me, almost like a shield(?). I heard Hayden say this wasn't a good time, I think he thought that this would be to much for me - which it was going to be I just know it.

"Aw come on Hayden you told us it would be cool for us to come. Plus I wanna hang out with Caity." I heard a girl whine. Was that her?

"Yeah bro, why you acting like this? We brought take-out." That was definitely Andrew. He walked in and stopped automatically, he and I made eye contact and a wave of emotions came over me.

"Oh babe why did you stop walking?" She laughed, while maneuvering around him and looked at me with a smile. "Oh hi... I've never seen you before." He was right, she is pretty. I didn't know how to respond, I mean how does one respond when you finally meet the girlfriend to your so called 'boyfriend'?? I gave a simple smile and waved - I can vaguely still remeber her name, how do I forget. Edina, right?

Caity had gotten up and greeted her with a hug. I couldn't be mad at this Edina girl because she didn't know that her boyfriend was per say 'cheating' on her with me. Which is a little awkward and weird. I lightly shook my head and turned my attention back to the door and I seen my buddy, my 'brother', the one person who (I thought) cared the most about me.

Brent Taddie, was in front of me once again. He looked at me with a astonished expression. Automatically getting up, I walked quite fast to him with my arms out ready to be embraced by my buddy. My eyes had gotten watery and I let out a struggled sigh into his chest. "Taddie" I said happily with the biggest smile on my face.

"Alexis, oh my god...a-alexis." His voice cracked a bit, pulling me closer into his chest as if that was even possible. "I've missed you girl." He sniffeled.

"Whoa Alexis?!" David exclaimed, I lifted my head from Taddie's chest and looked at David. "Don't haoug her man!" He added pushing Taddie off of me. I laughed and hugged him as well. As we pulled away I took a good look at the both of them. Nothing has changed.

" know this girl?" I heard her ask, I didn't pay attention nor did I care. I looked up at Taddie and he gave a slight nod telling me to answer her. Rolling my eyes as I turned around I said "Yes they do. We meet back in 2015, I worked for them and went on tour with them as well." Then I walked to her taking out my hand "I'm Alexis. Nice you." I think it came out a little more rougher than I expected.

She reluctantly shook my hand and said "Hello. I'm Edvlina, nice to meet you as well." With a very fake smile, then she latched onto Andrew -who I must say is still frozen- like as if I was going to steal him from her. Think again girl.

"Well since we're all here, let's eat." Hayden said breaking the silence.

"We only got 7 plates of food, sorry" Edvlina added, directed towards me. I laughed lightly. "That's fine, I'll share mine with her." Caity quickly said before I could say anything.

As the night came, I've been only talking to Taddie most of the time. I told them that Benn and Mia have a child, they all seemed shook, also that I've been going to school and a few other random stories.

This whole time Edvlina has been starring at me, I'm a assuming to 'figure' me out. I don't hate the girl but... "So Andrew...Edvlina. How's the relationship going? Last time I heard it was going great." I wondered.

"Its great, just great." Edvlina said and intertwined her and Andrew's fingers together. By the way Andrew hasn't said anything yet to me. I nodded, a little upset because I wanted a more thoughtful response rather than something quick.

Checking the time, it's gotten closer to 10 and I had to leave. I whispered to Caity letting her know I was leaving. Which she decided to announce it to everyone that I was leaving.

"What?! No you can't leave, we just got here man. And we haven't seen you in a year!" David whined.

"I'm sorry but I have to go to school tomorrow, I can't skip. I already told my friend that we'd go out for lunch when our class is over." I laughed. I half lied about the lunch part but I couldn't miss tomorrow, I had the project due.

"Oh come on pleeeease" Taddie whined. I really debated on whether or not to turn in my project or stay with my friends. Of course I'm staying.

"Okay bud." I smiled.


I rolled over opening my eyes but quickly shutting them as sunlight burned them. I cursed under my breath and sat up looking around. The boys are scattered around the floor, Hayden and Caity were next to eachother Hayden holding Caity quite close to him which I adored. I was in the middle of Taddie and Brandon. David was on the big couch. The other couple had left last night, saying that they'll catch up with us later. Yeah  right.  I shook Taddie and soon the rest of the crazy people. I wanted some waffles and I wasn't going to go by myself.

Andy's pov■

My eyes opened to Edvlina playing with my hair and mole.

"Well good morning babe." I said quietly while rubbing my eyes.

"Moring" She replied smiling. I got up to go wash up. I really didn't know what was up with her. Lately she's been a little distant. I keep asking her if she's good but she always replies with 'everything's fine' or 'yeah I'm good, why wouldn't I be'.

I remembered back to yesterday and it was crazy to see Alexis again. I never thought I'd see her again, but it was great I did. I didn't even say anything to her because I was nervous.. Walking out Edvlina wasn't there. So I walked down the hall to our kitchen, to see her sipping in some OJ.

I smiled at her and grabbed a bowl and poured some cereal in it. An uneasy look came over her face and she made her way towards the bathroom. I heard her throw up, oh no. I went to help her out, I really didn't want to because I'm not good with throw up. But once I got there she was already done, rinsing out her mouth.

"You good fam?" I asked, leaning against the door frame.

"Yeah..just..I'm fine." She stuttered. I started to get worried. Something is up. "No..." She paused for a while. "Let's go sit down babe. I've got something to tell you...." She added as she grabbed my hand and walked me to our couch.


AYYYE, sorry for the long ass wait. I've gotta get back on my game. It's just school and I applied to college's and I got accepted into two, I'm going for art mostly for photography but I'm also thinking psychology but I still DON'T KNOW.

anyway, the next chapter will be updated asap SOME TWISTS ARE COMING SO BE WOKE OKAY  lmao

bye guys love ya❣

also if there is any misspellings I'm sorry, I didn't feel like going back through

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