Ezra the Lion

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The gentle wind kicks the blades of green grass around, ruffling the few flowers in the broad meadow. My eyes seek the familiar boulder I've grown accustomed to hiding behind and jumping on. When I spot the massive grey rock, my mind begins toying with images of games played around it from my childhood. Cold chills run down my hand as I graze the glass window with my fingertips. I form a fist and close my eyes.

There's nothing I wouldn't give to be out there instead of in here.

"Ezra," The dragon lady shrieks, "pay attention to this history lesson!" When my eyes make their way back to my mother, her eyebrows have grown closer to her nose, painting an awfully terrifying image of anger.

I ignore her ugly expression and gaze around the room. Every nerve inside my body has grown to despise the study, with its claustrophobic desk placed in the very corner facing the wall, and made only for me. There's also the lengthy couch that sits directly in the center of the room like a therapist's office. The tall walls are lined with endless shelves of books I'll never care to read, and the one and only appropriately sized chair belongs to the dragon lady teacher. She also has her own office desk filled with drawers of every tool she needs to ruin my life.

My eyes wander back to that damn corner desk. I can't put a number to how much I hate that thing with every fiber of my being. Then there's that blasted window, just a tease it is, making me believe I'm inches from freedom and from Linkai's beauty.

"Ezra Dean-"

"Linkai was created by Gods and Goddesses, the twelve Zodiac, and Them." My eyes still scowl at the corner desk, "They all wanted to create a world they could share, one like Earth because they admired nature's creation. Soon enough there was a power struggle that they all could've seen coming. I mean really, who doesn't expect a fight with all those powerful beings," My voice comes out too fast for dragon lady to interrupt, "Anyways, they decided to form a committee of a few from each group to run Linkai and govern its people. They even signed a treaty relinquishing the ability to kill each other, the treaty was signed with magic powerful enough to carry out the contract. Which was rather stupid if you ask me," I roll my eyes, "because They used magic right back after getting all power crazy, to alter the treaty in their favor. It was changed so They could kill Gods and Goddesses...but not the Zodiac. That group is obviously indestructible, any fool would know."

I take a quick breath and continue, "After that, Zodiac spirit guardians were created to protect the Gods and Goddesses from being killed by Them and since the Zodiac and the Gods didn't want to start a war, the Zodiac left for their own dimension and the Gods conceded from the committee. That's when They took over Linkai and started a huge war." My gaze moves to the eyebrows that are now growing towards her forehead in shock, "Dates are subjective, and anyone who has half a brain would already know all of this so why don't you teach me something new rather than sit on your lazy ass, screeching at me like a damn bird."

"How did you make it out of the dungeon with all your limbs intact?" Kappie asks me after I return from three hours of formidable testing. I swear I have blisters and splinters in my butt from that tiny wooden chair attached to that tiny wooden desk stuck in that tiny cramped corner.

I purposefully avoid my brother's eyes, "The fact that I can't feel my ass would suggest otherwise." My hair rustles in the wind as I lean by head back and fall to the soft ground. The grass tickles my skin, a calming annoyance.

"Well," Kappie closes his eyes and tilts his head towards the sky, "We turn fifteen tomorrow, you know what that means." A smile creeps its way onto his face, encouraging mine to slip out from hiding.

Like clockwork, my brain unloads every piece of information that has been forced into my mind from the moment my mother made studying mandatory: Every Zodiac spirit guardian knows that if they meet Lady Akira Sheeno on their 1500th birthday they are guaranteed to be part of the select few that join her side for future affairs. Some find out before the day of their birthday, and others only get the news after the suns rise. There are only three spirit guardians per Zodiac sign born into the generation to protect the first lady of the Sheeno family. Every single one of us has the same birth month and day as Akira, but I don't understand why that is. When one of the chosen group is killed, a tournament is held to replace him. Zodiac spirit guardians can be killed by anyone, except Them, as long as their opponents are strong enough to end three lives.

I hear my mother's agitating voice in my head reminding me that Kappie and I are very lucky that our ancestors have always been selected for this famous guardianship. Even though the selection is supposed to be fair, bloodline plays a major role in the decision. We are the first twins in our family, and we both have been luckily given different Zodiac gifts. I was deemed a Leo and Kappie was deemed a Taurus at birth. If we were given the same gifts, it would be a competition to select the rightful guardian. I'm pretty sure one of us would've died from the conflict.

"Tomorrow we find out for sure if we're part of the guardian group or if we'll always live on the back burner, waiting for one of them to die yet hoping that never happens." My words leak from my mouth intended mostly for my own ears.

"It's tremendously terrifying." Kappie admits in a soft voice, "The possibility of getting split up from you is enough to keep me from sleeping tonight."

A wicked laugh flees from my throat, "As if that could happen. We're too badass for them to take just one." I wink at my brother and cross my arms behind my head. The cool air circles us, retaining the perfect temperature for lounging in the meadow.

I briefly consider the thought, unsure of what I'd do. There's truly no way to tell until the time comes, and it would be a massive disappointment to our village and family if either of us turned Lady Akira down. Especially if we did it just to be with each other.

"We should still consider the possibility that they might take just one of us..." He lets the words trail off as a worrisome look plasters onto his face. The corners of his mouth tighten and his brows wrinkle. This expression is the worst. Every single time I see it, I cave into some weak sympathetic mood.

"Then I'd totally whoop you." I nudge him playfully and jump to my feet, putting my hands into fighting fists. I will pretty much do anything to get out of a depressing rut.

"Wanna bet?" Kappie breaks into excitement, rolling up onto his heels. "Don't play dirty, Ezzy." He reminds me in a warning tone as if he holds a secret move to dismantle me.

I throw my head back and cough a laugh, "No promises, Kap." What my brother doesn't know or understand is my underlying desire to do anything and everything it takes to get away from this place. I'd even kill to get out of here. So I guess I do know what decision I'd make if it came down to "just one" of us.

I'd go no matter what. 

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