The Truth About Conspiracies

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The giant bells are rusted and cracked, the great wall is only a fraction of what it used to be, and the once-purple dome is a faded lavender color. The retired capitol of Linkai has been abandoned for hundreds of years, left to fall apart on its own. We can only hope everything on the inside is intact and in working condition.

Unfortunately, aftering entering the wall guarding the retired capitol, we can't use our supernatural abilities. We have to stay human. So, our group hikes up the mountain that the palace sits on, up the steps that lead to the front entrance. It's not just one steep climb, it's several small hills, but still a long distance. This staircase stretches from the top to the bottom, and we've only hiked about halfway to the doors in the past ten minutes. I can see the very tip of the second building in front of the dome. The whole palace is made up of four parts: the dome, the supernatural gardens, the chambers, and the committee meeting rooms.

The biggest building is the dome, it holds every record of every event significant to Linkai since its birth. This part of the palace is at the very back, and protected by the tallest part the palace is directly in front of the dome, and at the very center of the palace. The third and fourth buildings are equal in size, and wrap around the front and sides of the supernatural gardens like bodyguards. These buildings are the chambers and the committee meeting rooms. Akira and her mother used to live in the chambers, along with all the other royalty who were direct descendants from the creators of Linkai. I know they didn't go to Earth, so, I wonder where all those other people went. I remind myself not to waste too much time thinking about that though.

The instant we make it over the hill to finally spot the retired palace, our eyes meet the great hole in the fourth building. Actually, it's not a hole. The building is missing entirely. We begin full throttle sprinting to the palace, up the steps at rapid speed. All of us are on the same wavelength. We know this is bad, really bad actually.

My human lungs burn with the sudden outburst of energy. The soles of my feet slap against the stone stairs, but I keep running. The memories in my head replay the last time we were here, just a few days ago. The fourth building was still there, still intact. I can see it clearly in my head, the rounded edges and white diamond accents, even the two towers on either side of the building acting like antennas. It was all here.

"How does something that big just...disappear?" Kappie says through deep breaths.

"Damn dragons." Ezra wheezes and supports his body with his palms on his knees. He looks like he's about to pass out. We look so out of shape as humans.

I place my palm flatly against one of the tall doors. Through my gasping of air, my hand finds the large handle. I ease it open, and my eyes widen at the entrance room.

"Oh my hell..." The words echo in my head after leaving my dry mouth. Moments ago, my heart was beating frantically in my rib cage, but now everything seems to slow down and almost freeze when my sight meets the scene behind the doors.

The room is completely bare. From what I can remember, luxurious chairs and elegant crystal tables decorated the space to the right of the door and large beautiful murals depicting Linkai's wildlife, hung on the wall to the left. There used to be a wall of shelves holding ancient statues of the Zodiac. Even the impressively massive chandeliers are missing from their chains attached to the tall ceiling.

"Who would've done this?" Rayce squats down and sits on his heels, he covers his mouth with the back of his hand to shield his shock. He also might be a little queasy from the running.

"Isn't it obvious?" I ease the other door open to get a good look at the entire room, "The real question to ask is, why'd They do it?"

"And where did They put everything?" Ezra adds, "They might still be here-"

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