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From the outside Amanda Wolf is a normal girl, well, thats if you never met her. Her life is anything but normal. She is a orphan but no one knows it. She has been a orphan for 2 years. Her parents died when she was at school. No one talks to her at school except to call her a freak and other names. One day she was just reading in her room at the orphanage when a voice came over the loud speaker.


"Amanda Wolf please come down to the lobby. Thank you"

The voice cut out. "Oh no not again." I thought to my self. I walked down to the lobby only to see.............MARKIPLIER!!!!!!!!! I internally have a mental fan girl party but I keep a straight face.
"Amanda this is Mark Fishback. he would like to adopt you." The lady said.
"Hello Amanda." He says kindly.
I hold my hand out for him to shake it, which he kindly accepts.
"Hi, I hope I can stay with you for a while. As you probably already know I have been with 3 other family's that didn't work out." I say politely
"I hope so too. Go gather your things and I will fill out the papers."
I nod my head and bolt back to my room. I grab my clothes, pillow, blanket and everything else I own. I walk slowly back down the stairs, trying not to trip, with my bags. Mark comes over and takes them.
"Thank you." I say with a smile.
We walk to his car and get in. Mark looks at me with a smile.
"You look like you want to say something Amanda, its ok, you can say it."
"I-I love your youtube channel." I stammer over whelmed with joy. He smiles.
"You do?"
I blush. "Ya, I love Chica and all your videos."
"That's great! Do you know Jacksepticeye?"
"Ya I love you both," I pause. "don't get mad at me but, SEPTIPLIER AWAY!" I scream.
He laughs. "Well when we get to your new home I have a surprise for you."
When we pull up to the house I can hear Chica barking and a familiar voice yell for her to shut up.
"I-is that Jack!" I squeal in delight.
"Lets go in and see."
We walk inside and I see the green haired Irish youtuber standing by the table.
"OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!" I scream with my heavy Irish accent.
He holds his arms out for a hug and I gladly accept, crying tears of joy.
"Hello Amanda. I'm going to guess you already know who I am." He smiles. When I let go of Jack Chica runs over to me and jumps up on me. I laugh and she licks my face.
"Hello Chica, I'm Amanda." I say happily.
I over hear Mark and Jacks conversation.
"Mark ye didn't tell me she was Irish."
"I wanted it to be a surprise."
I giggle and Chica brings me her toy.
" You want to play girl?" I ask
She barks and runs to the front door.
"Uh Mark? Can I take Chica out side?"
"Sure and call me dad."
I run out side with Chica right beside me. We started to play until a voice called out.
"Hey freak! I never seen you around here."
I knew it was one of the kids from my school. Chica started growl a deep, threatening growl. I hold her collar an realized it was my 12th birthday. I always forget because I never celebrated it. I feel as something is taking control of my body. I feel my teeth sharpen in my mouth. I hear the front door open and close.
"Amanda are you ok?" I hear Mark ask.
It was then I realize I wasn't in control of my own body anymore.
"Amanda isn't here. My name is Fang." I hear a demonic voice say.
In that moment I realize it was my own.

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