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When I heard the demonic voice me and Jack both knew what was going on. I look at Jack and he nods. I let Dark take control and Jack lets Anti. We walk over to Fang and Dark speaks first.
"Fang lets go in the house." I hear the familiar voice say.
"Ya Fang lets go, don't do anything to get Amanda in trouble." Anti says in his voice that sounds alot like hissing. Fang turns around and take in her appearance. Her eyes are so unique. One is pure gold, like a wolf but the other is pitch black. her teeth, daggers and her nails, claws. She growls deeply and turns to face the boy on the sidewalk.
"He made you come out, didnt he." Dark growls.
"He and his little band of nobody's have been tormenting Amanda for years. I'm sick of it. Amanda wants it all to end, so I'm making it stop right now." Fang growls deeply. Dark walks over to Fang and growls. Anti takes a stand next to me and hisses in a demonic way. The boy has fear in his eyes. I step forwards and he bolts. I see Fang relax a bit. Dark lets me back an I walk over to Fang.
"Lets go in the house." I say soothingly.
She calms down and heads to the house. Chica whimpers and keeps her tail between her legs. Fang sees this and looks sad. She walks over to her and pets her head.
"Its ok Chica, I'm not gonna hurt you." Fang says soothingly.
I see her eyes turn back to normal. Her nails shrink and she has a look of pure terror in her eyes.
"W-what just happened!?" She says terrified.
"That was your inner demon, we have one too." Jack says trying to calm her down.
"How did it get there." She says with fright still clear in her eyes.
"You were born with her. I just don't know why she came out to day they normally come out on y-WAIT! Is it your birthday today.......I sound like a dickhead right now but is it?" I say embarrassedly.
"Ya it is but to be honest I forgot about it my self, I never celebrated it."
I'm astonished when I hear this. I jut can't believe that such a sweet girl like Amanda has never celebrated her birthday.
"Did they celebrate it at the orphanage?" Jack says, just as shocked as I am.
"No they don't care about that kind of stuff. They of care if we eat, drink and don't escape."
I feel so bad for this girl. Her life is terrible and she had to go through something I found so hard to get over...... losing my father. I can imagine what it's like to loose both parents.
"Lets go inside and I will make a cake to celebrate your birthday. How does that sound?" Jack asks happily.
"That sound awesome thank you Jack." Amanda says with a smile.
We go inside and after cake we pick out movie we want to watch. Amanda picks World War Z.
"Can we watch Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs PWEASE!" Jack yells
"Thats so much better than my idea Jack, lets watch that! PWEASE DAD PWEASE!" Amanda screams matching Jacks volume.
"Amanda you are just as loud as Jack, yippee for me, and no I don't want to watch that." I say.
"PWEASE!!!!!" They both scream at the top of their lungs.
"YAY!!!!!!" They both cheer.
I laugh at the two. I put the disk in and Amanda and Jack cuddle up like a brother and sister would. I get a bit jealous because they both hit it off so quickly. I push that aside and focus on the movie.
"STEAVE!" I yell when he comes out.
Amanda and Jack both laugh at my google feud comment. Chica run out and puts a paw right on my butt.
"Ah my butt!" I laugh.
Amanda and Jack both know that it was from one of my videos so the laughs. Amanda some how manage to fall off the couch which makes Jack laughs more so he falls off the couch also. Chica starts to run around as Amanda gets completely on the floor. She calls for Chica.
"Oh Chica *cough* I love you I-" she goes limp. Chica nudges her and whimpers softly. Amanda lifts her head as me and Jack are laughing our butts off.

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