Question 260

41 3 0

Why do you like Seven, Melody? And why is your name Melody? :3
-Asked by NoireB

Melody: ... Hm.... -thinking, tapping her chin- ..... Crude humor...? -sweat-

707: Crude humor? My humor is beyond great!

Melody: -Smiling nervously and shrugs- He's also very protective and nice..... -sweatdrops- But tends to try and push others away.

707: -Fish face- Puh-leaseeeee. When have I done that? -serious mode- ... Okay maybe I have, but you really shouldn't get involved with me. -troll face- Unless you want to make money with me and SELL A BUNCH OF ZEN'S AUTOGRAPH!

Jumin: He still needs to work for me through a cat commerci-

Zen: No.

Melody: -Scoots away- My name.... Hmm.. Well a part of my name Yu-Hwa has harmony in its meaning... So I figured why not Melody...? No music exists without both a melody and harmony, right..?

Thank you for asking, NoireB! Ask away!

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