Question 267

30 3 3

It's my first time requesting something, but either way, I dare all the oc who have not been shipped yet, kiss someome they're close too, and they cannot, I repeat CANNOT back out, or murder the person, or do any harm to the poor unlucky person,

Ps. I want Blizzard x Sliver cause they seem close friends and might actually can happen if Blizzard was looking for a bf or similar to that. Sorry for asking to much.
-Asked by Cakey_chan

Haha, well hello then! Nice to have your very first request in my book as well a meeting you! c: Anyways, moving on, aha. I believe a majority of my characters are not paired and some are still in the "maybe" side. Excluding my Fire Emblem OCs because they are all paired with someone even if it hasn't been decided yet x'D some may not wven be close to anyone, hm.

Lilac: -Sweat- You're thinking too hard for this...

Sh. I'm bad with pairings.

Blizzard: We're fully aware. You've always asked for people to help pair us up anyways.

-Waves arms around, hissing- SHHHHHHhhhh shhhh ;-;

Aurélie: Was I.. Missing something here?

Lilac: No. More like you shouldn't know what these people want us to do sometimes...

Megumi: Lilac, you're sulking a little?

Lilac: -Waves it off-

Aria: Why am I here again? -sweat- I was doing laundry until you dragged me here.

Yeah, uh, it's kind of on the important side?

Aria: Meaning it isn't important?

..... Yes.

Aria: -Sigh- Hurry up... The clothes can't do laundry by itself.

Well you see, I dragged in your potentially fake boyfriends for the day!

Everyone: ...... -Cringeeeeeeee-

Hey now, don't make that face.

Falaae: M-may I skip out? I mean... I show no interest in relationships... And I don't know anyone but Link and Zelda...

Link: ....... -Straight face clueless Hylian mode-

..... Nahhhhhh.

Falaae: -Silently groans-

Fern: ........... -Awkwarddddddddd-

Tiz: Umm, why am I here? What's going on? Is there trouble?

Fern: Not the bad kind of trouble, but yes trouble. You should leave while you can...

No one is leaving! I've barred the doors!

Everyone: .... -Whispering amongst themselves- I think she's gona crazy.. Yeah, she must have...

Hey! I'm completely sane!

Irena: You know angels shouldn't.... You know... Engage in any sort of relationships this way... Right...?

Oh I asked Palutena already and she gave me the okay.

Irena: .... -Distraught-

Pit: Whoa! WHAT'S GOING ON?! I was kidnapped???? Lady Palutena? LADY PALUTENA?????

Irena: -Shaking him- Calm down!

-Shoving pit over- Have fun you two. -shoving everyone else over-

Minako: -Facing Killua- ........ I'll kill you.

Killua: I'll kill you first before you can kill me.

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