Question 266

32 4 4

Hey, Ms. Lilyblizz. Do you have a character or other person who you are normally shipped with?
-Asked by loupaerin

Oh.... Ohhhhh.... Well awkwardly enough, yes... ^^" I have been shipped with a few characters like Yuri Lowell and Flynn Scifo from Tales of Vesperia(because if my Ask Artist Yuri book), Tasuku Ryuenji from Future Card Buddyfight, Inigo/Laslow and heck even Takumi and Leo from Fire Emblem Awakening/Fates. Laslow is uhhh main ship right now I suppose...? Judging by the conversations I have with my followers and online friends that is, haha. I was told to be one of the most shippable person, LOL. I MEAN... I MEAN I GUESS I AM? I CAN'T CONFIRM THAT LOL. Hopefully this doesn't suddenly shift up to a whole new level where people would suddenly ship me with like kpop idols or other real life people, HAHAHA. AWKWARD.....

No really, please confirm. Am I really shippable? ;//u//;"

Ask my OCs and I ANYTHING! We'll answer then as soon as possible and in a form of entertainment. Well, depending on the question that is. XD

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