
52 4 4

Been tagged by _Ryuuuu. Too lazyy...

1- Tag 15 people
2- No backing out
3- Do within a week
4- Don't do it in comments
5- Include the rules

10 Facts:
1. I have anxiety disorder and depression. I'm trying to fix that at the moment and hopefully I have. Tell me if I get too weird or bother you because that's my way of coping with it.

2. I love to meet new people, but I cone off as weird, possibly annoying(?), awkward, or too energetic. Again... I don't know how to socialize.

3. Designing OCs is like my favorite thing about art xD

4. I usually don't do much fanart because I'm scared of ruining them. LOL.

5. I loveeeeee gaming. Just.... I'm terrible at games ^^"

6. I'm open for conversation and support for everyone out there! Stranger or not, I welcome you with everything c:

7. People have always told me I'm a kind individual and an inspiration to them and I'm really really grateful to hear that from you all. I hope to continue inspiring and influencing you all by any means! And, of course, everyone gets treated evenly around me!

8. I'm into BTS. -shot- I blame my friends for everything. LOOOOL I WAS NEVER INTO KPOP, BUT THEN THIS HAPPENED, HAHA!

9. I always tell everyone to be positive and show my positive side. It's funny because I'm dreading myself.

10. Highly emotional! I get really sad at the littlest of things and overjoyed at the littlest of things ;u;" It feels like a curse sometimes, haha.


... Idk who else...

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