Blue Roses are Rare ⇢ Larry

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"May I tell you something?"

"What is it?"

"First, look at me."

I raised my head up to meet his eyes, and by his, i mean my awesomely, super duper sweet and innocent small boyfriend of course.

"You're a rare kind of rose, to me. You know that right?" he smirked earning a small smile and a tilt of my head.

"Rare, rose? Why is that Larry?"

"You are perfect in every way. I swear sometimes I wonder how I got such a cute girlfriend. There aren't many chicks like you, so you are a rare blue rose, not red. But blue. and I love you..."

You tackled Larry with a huge hug, a big fat sweet smile planted on your face. Larry was surprised at first and caught him by surprise. But he started giggling as you nuzzled his nose.

"Well, it's the other way around for me. I'm so lucky to have a handsome young prince as my boyfriend!! I love you waaaaaaay more!" You booped his nose and he blushed.

"What?! No, I love you waaaaaaaaaayyyy more!" He moved his hands in circles trying to look a little pouty.

"What, no I love you waaa--"


You laughed as you threw your hands around him, bringing you and Larry down on the floor laughing and cuddling eachother.

"But seriously, I love you."
You both said at the same time. He looked at you, and You looked at him.
You both started laughing and nuzzled eachother warmly, falling asleep in eachother's arms.

"Wow!! They're so cute together!!" Lemmy squealed, grabbing onto Iggy's hand as Iggy nodded.

"I can't believe Larry got a girlfriend!!! Before me!" Roy argued.

"Now, Now, All we have to do for now, is support Larry and (Y/N). They are happy together and that's what matters. Right? Our little bro is growing up." Ludwig smiled. Everyone nodded as a way of saying 'Yeah you're right.'

~~Extended Ending~~

Everyone was sitting at the dinning table, eating. (Y/N) and Larry were taking turns feeding eachother, saying cute sweet nothing's to one another.

"Mm-hmm. I can't wait to be Great GrandPa Bowser!! You six should get prepared to be aunt and uncle's!!!" He laughed.

"DAAAAAD!!!!" Larry yelled looking red like a tomato. You didn't judge, you too, had a red tomato face.

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