Another Type Of Love - Wendy

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The room was quiet, Wendy O. Koopa was sitting near her window. Staring out, usually around this time a young beautiful girl would walk around the garden of her Father's Castle.

"Why isn't she here?" Getting inpatient, she was about to head out herself to investigate. However a certain (F/C) bracelet glistened in the sun. Catching her attention. Wendy's eyes sparkled, as she laid eyes on the girl.

'Whatever am I feeling..?'
'Jealousy?... no..'
'This feeling... for a girl?... it can't be..

Wendy watched in awe as the girl took her time admiring the flowers, her (H/L) hair swooshed, going so smoothly along with the wind.

"How about you talk to her?"

Surprised by the sudden voice Wendy turned around.
"And who gave you permission to come in here nerd!"

"Nobody but... love only comes around once.. you shouldn't miss this opportunity."

"Love? Is that what I feel? But isn't that..."

Iggy cut her off before she thought about insulting her way of interest. "No. No it's not bad or weird! Love wins always! Listen to your heart for a change Wendy."  And with that he had walked out, hoping the stubbornness within Wendy would go away and chase the possible girl of her dreams.

"DO I LOOK GOOD AT LEAST?" She quickly shouted, fixing her bow and looking into the mirror.

"Always do sis!" Iggy responded, earning a small smile from Wendy, as she made her way down stairs to talk to the mysterious pretty girl.


Wendy looked around, anxiously thinking that she had missed her opportunity.
However she spotted the girl in just a few minutes after, and made her way over.


The (H/C) haired girl turned around, and to Wendy it felt like in the movies, the moment she turned around, her heart belonged only to her.

"Oh... hello!"

"I-I'm Wendy!" Am I yelling? I'm so nervous..

"I'm (Y/N) ! Is this your garden?" Smiling so pure and innocently, Wendy lost her words.

"Um.. n-not entirely? It's my d-dads..." I think I'm blushing right through my makeup oh god..

"It's so beautiful! I come to walk almost everyday, just to pass by and see this garden!" (Y/N) gently placed her hand around a near by flower, smelling it.

Yeah I see you everyday. "Oh, you do? How thoughtful! You wouldn't mind being my friend... would you..?"

(Y/N), with her sweet smile still on her face. Looked directly into Wendy's eyes. "Of course, I would love to be your friend."

"H-here... take my bracelet!" She handed (Y/N) her big golden bracelet.

"N-No it's ok!"

"P-please.." Wendy looked down, a bright pink blush clearly showing.

(Y/N)'s heart pounded. "O-oh... well alright. At least have mine.." Quickly but gently removing her (F/C) bracelet she handed it to Wendy.

"Call me around 9'o clock ok?~"

"W-wait! But I don't have your—"

(Y/N) winked as she turned away, walking in such a graceful manner. There was a note on the bracelet, she was so astonished by the girl that Wendy hadn't noticed.

From Iggy's window he had witnessed everything.
"Well, well.." he said, smirking.

"What happened to your bracelet Wendy?" Lemmy asked poking her wrist.

"I lost it."

"Really? What about this one?" Pulling on it, Wendy slapped his hand away.

"Be more careful Lemmy! This one... this one is important.." bringing it near her heart she smiled, blushing and having the image of (Y/N) present in her head.

** Hello, Hello! Happy Pride Month to everyone! Please, if you don't have something nice to say then don't say it:(
Would you guys like to see Koopalings x Male reader after I finish with Bowser Jr x Reader ? :0 **

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