Super Cool Girlfriend- Roy

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"DROP THE BEAT (Y/N)!!!" Roy shouted, expecting you to, drop the beat. But the beat was never dropped. "(Y/N)?" Roy looked over at you, who found you lost within your imagination. She was staring at Roy, but no movement.
"Babe, you were suppose to drop the beat, not ignore the beat."

"Huh?!- What?- Oh!- Oh yeah! Sorry Babe, but I was busy thinking about you~" She smirked. Roy blushed, but soon after started pouting.

"(Y/N), stop it! My coolness is fading!"

"And your blush is showing. You know, remember," (Y/N) cleared her throat in order to make her voice deeper. "I, Roy Koopa do not and never will blush." She giggled as Roy blushed even more. "See! There's that blush I love seeing on your handsome, cool, cute, face!"


"Whaaaaaattt?" (Y/N) pressed her lips against Roy's. "Now do you forgive me?" She sweetly smiled.

"Well, no~" Roy slipped his hands on (Y/N)'s waist. "If you can rap something for your awesomely, cool boyfriend~" Roy winked under his shades, but (Y/N) didn't notice.

"And, if I fail?"

"I'll still love you ~"

"And if I successfully do it?"

"I'll forgive you and I'll love you even more~" Roy kissed her cheek.

"Deal~" (Y/N) slipped out of Roy's embrace and cleared her throat again. 

"On second thought... maybe not! Why do I gotta rap something about you?? Is my love not enough??" (Y/N) pouted, making her puppy eyes to use.

"UGghhhHh!!" Roy covered his face, obviously trying to hide his blush. "Why are you so cuteee?!"

"Hah, That's all you~" (Y/N) wrapped her hands around Roy's neck. And they both lovingly stared at each other.

"Hey, (Y/N)?~"


"You love me right?"

"Of course I do~ Why?~"

"Drop the beat for me will ya?" Roy chuckled from the now glaring (Y/N). "You are my super cool girlfriend right?~"

"Of course I am~" (Y/N) smiled.
"Yours and only your super cool girlfriend ~"

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