Play'in God

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You can totally skip this, it's my reference.

The girl's first name represents the sin that each girl embodies and each kingdom in hell she reigns over as the general appointed by Kingsley.

The girl's surname represents the sin they are destined to be able with and since there are only seven deadly sins a three way relationship is inevitable   *winkwonk

Any physical contact with these girl will induce a state of mind that will correlate to each sin. Per say, if  someone's was touched by Lust and Wrath does not necessarily mean they're in the mood for angry sex.
Hmm a touch might be too contagious, so perhaps a touch will leave a zesty tang of the sin and a kiss will seal the deal.

Luxiére (Lux) Öfund
-Luxure is French for Lust
-Öfund isIcelandic for Envy

Evony Maram
-Evony. I don't want to remember any more names , there is no particular reason for Evony besides its vicinity to Envy
-Maram means desired, beautiful in Arab

Dott Eleanor
-Dott is derived from godfather and sloth
-Eleanor means shining light and prideful . 12th century Queen of France

Kiburi (Key) Yuru
- Kiburi is Swahili for Pride
-Yuru is Japanese for paranormally(lolol not) lazy

The descending order is the flow of unrequited love for the three way.

Ira De Golier
-Ira is Portuguese for Wrath
-De Golier is derived from jester and glutton

Zari (Z) Grad
- Zari is Hausa for glutton
-Grad is derived from skillful, swift and greedy

Saint Vincent
-Saint is Irish for Greed
-Vincent means to conquer,wrath

Some author will post a cast list for their dear reader to refresh their memory incase of confusion from
AWOL, and other authors will post a list of their character names and call it a cast list because they can't remember their own character names for shit ...... I am the latter.

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