36 | Kim

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36 | Kim

Trev | Caden

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Who's this?

Hey. Trev, right? I'm Caden.

How did you get my number?



Yeah, I just wanted to clear things up a little bit.


I think she's already told you, but she has prosopagnosia.

I know.

Right. She can't recognise faces, so she distinguishes people by their outfits, voices, scents. Things like that.

Look, I'm not mad at her, alright? I just need some time to let this sink in.

I know, but you have to listen to me. There's something that you have to know.


Kim has always been my best friend. We've been there for each other for the entirety of our lives. I know how much of an impact this disorder has on her. I've seen her beat herself up because of it. I've seen her embarrass herself, gotten bullied for it, even.


She used to be such a bright girl, but when people started bullying her for it, she slowly started to hide it. She was so ashamed of it, and her parents had to teach her how to tell people apart. While girls her age were playing, she was staring at pictures of people with their names attached. There were times when she couldn't even recognise her own reflection.


She was raped in high school. We never knew who it was, because she couldn't identify him.


She changed after that. Shut down and stayed in her room for days. It was also during this time when her parents died in a car accident. They were on their way to buy her a birthday cake.


I watched her go through everything, Trev. There was nothing that I could do except to be her eyes. To help her through everything. To let her know who was speaking to her. That's why I never left her side for years.


What I'm saying is, no matter how you're feeling right now, please don't blame her for it.

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