I remember

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I remember growing up in a community where violence and sexuality were a good thing.But little do they know that it's not. The youth today, don't even know the half of what's going on. All they know is what they see and copying it, like it's going out of style.

My style, my rap, my dream is to the youth, the sexuality, the violence, the world....to know my story when I grew up and how I survived. Yes, it was hard, matter of fact, it's still hard, especially in the music business.

Everything's not what it seems to be. What you see on television or hear on the radio is not the whole truth. It's not even partial. It's the illusion that their implanting in your small brains because they don't want you to know the whole truth.

That saying, "What goes on behind close doors, stays behind closed doors", is part of the illusion.

Everyone expects anyone to give or pay them respect for something that's irrelevant. I'm not saying that whatever you had in mined wasn't relevant, but whatever you have in mind, just ensure that it's something that changes the world. Make sure that it's something positive because, Lord knows, we have too much violence as it is. 

I'm here to tell you how I survived. My life story. My ups. My downs. My love. My lost. My family. My accomplishments. My fallbacks.

Stay true to yourself.

Fun Fact About TupacIn a 2005 Rolling Stones Magazine Vote, Tupac was named #6 of the '100 immortal artists of all time' behind the likes of Elvis and Lennon

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