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        It all happened 1993 of December, where I was charged for sexually abusing a woman in my hotel room. From what I recall, I met her in a club (like what man hasn't) and bought her back to my room,ya know. A playa got skills. 

         Now she was not the usual "woman", she acclaimed to be a fan and claimed to "more than meet me", so I bought her back to the room where she "blew" me on the dance floor of the club beforehand. But the nest day, ya know, she came to see me when I was set up to do a show and gave me a massage before everyone and their families came and interrupted us, except they only wanted her attention just as well, which I found disgusting, so I left to take a nap. She accused me of "encouraging" them guys of "harassing" her, ya know pulling her and sodomy. Of course, I denied it, never happened, but uneventfully, I got four and a half years in prison for rape. 

          Damn, I was a wild man, apparently not that wild,  he thought. 

        Anyways, on the night of November 30 of 1994, I was shot five times. I was with my boy stretch, my manager freddie moore, and another homie when it happened. I recalled the incident in an interview with Vibe magazine, where I was five shot times in an apparent robbery outside a New York  music studio. 

          We arrived at a studio so I could do some recordings for an acquaintance, Booker, whom I  didn't trust. When we got to the studio, I was suspicious of two black men in their thirties, both dressed in army fatigues, because neither of them seemed to acknowledge my presence. I noted that I  was less wary of them than I should have been because I "had just finished smoking chronic". I simply assumed they must be security for The Notorious B.I.G., whom I was still friends with at the time.

        The two men, who I  described as looking like they were from New York, came at me with identical 9mm handguns, and forced me and my boys to the floor. Their aggression was focused almost exclusively on me, although they did threaten to shoot Stretch as well. They forced everybody to lie on the floor, but I  remained standing, like a G. I said later that I was frozen. They demanded I hand over his jewelry, which I refused to do. After grabbing at one of the armed men, I was shot in the leg, through my penis. I fell to the floor, and was shot a 4 times, which I later claimed not to have realised; I believed I was being kicked & that my head was being beaten upon the floor. I recalled seeing white light, but never believed I could die. I lay silently, pretending to be dead. I was shot 5 times in total and robbed of the gold jewelry I was wearing, worth over forty thousand dollars.

          Upon regaining consciousness, I entered the elevator and went upstairs to safety, where my then-friends Biggie, Puffy, Little Caesar, and others were waiting. I described my friends as acting very strangely, almost surprised at me being alive. My first words after realizing how severe my wounds were, having been shot in the head and the scrotum, were "Oh, shit. Roll me some weed. Call my mom and tell her I've been shot." I was also very surprised that none of my other friends, who were also wearing jewelry weren't robbed. I survived, and left the hospital a day after, against doctor's orders because a nigga was feeling harassed by phone calls and the doctors. I showed up in court just few days afterwards in a wheelchair to face my verdict in the sexual assault case.

          Thinking back at that specific day, I came upon realization that I've could've died, even though I believed to be "immortal". 

      Clinton Correctional Facility. Later in February, I began serving time, soon after my mutli-platinum album, Me Against The World, was relaesed. I was the only rapper having to distinguish an album while incarcenrated and being number one on the charts. 

      From being in prison, I married my long-time girlfriend, Keisha Morris. I also took it as an advantage to get into books. I delved myself into the literature world, reading the works of Niccolo Machiakiveli, Sun Tzu's The Art of War, and I even wrote a screenplay entitled, Live 2 Tell. 

         In September, after almost eight months in prison, I was finally released on parole largely due to the help of Suge Knight, the head of Death Row Records. Suge posted a $1.4 million bail for me, and in exchange I was obliged to release three albums under Death Row. I  was unrepentant and grew even more embittered against the authorities, which showed in my music.

           I accomplished a lot, harmed others, did a lot of bad and a ton of good. I rose to fame and it got to my head and blew it up. 

      Yes, I have done a lot, good or bad, but that has changed my life and I realized that not everything is bad but not anything is good, either. 

      Life will challenge you. It will throw disturbances your way and try to stop you from making it, but it's up to you to be the bigger person and look the other way and DO YOU!

        Until next time. 


        Fun Fact: While he was with Digital Underground, someone once shoved a 12 gauge shotgun in Tupac's face because of a dispute over a woman at a Martin Luther King Jr festival.

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