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Song: Just Give Me A Reason-Pink or Wrecking Ball-Miley Cyrus.

Both of these songs are great for this chapter. You really have to listen to one of these songs or you won't feel the full emotions of this heartbreaking and wrecking chapter.


Hannah's POV:

*four days later*

So, the news that Zayn has left the band is everywhere by now. His parents wanted a 'Welcome Home' party ASAP so, he had to leave sooner than he originally planned. But, we said our goodbyes and we all promised to keep in touch. If I'm completely honest, I really miss him.

Also, I have yet to give up my virginity for Harry. After that one night, I have felt vulnerable and I would prefer to hang onto what I have for as long as I can. Sure, Harry and I had a large argument over it.

I ended up crying and he ended up sleeping on the couch because the lads made him do it. Niall slept next to me to stop me from crying. I cried for maybe around two hours and I could not stop. Liam tried, then Louis, but eventually Niall figured out how to do it.

He's really a cute, little, Irish lad down to his bones. And I had a much better sleep than I thought I would, thanks to him. 

He just ran his fingers through my hair humming Typical Irishman. I giggled at his soft voice and fell fast asleep.


"Hey, Harry, I was searching online and I found this nice restaurant near the ocean. They have really good reviews and I was wondering if we could go there for our first date." I grin whilst showing Harry my phone with seaside pictures and the restaurant.

"Uh-huh," He hums nonchalantly and doesn't spare me a single glance as he types away on his phone.

"Harry, can you please put your phone away and just listen?" I say and stomp my foot.

This is how he's been the past few days. He's been ignoring me, he's stopped cuddling with me, he's so unavailable. It's irritating. If this is how he treats me once he thinks he has me wrapped around his finger, then I will show him that he doesn't have me at all.

"What could possibly be so important, Hannah, that you need my full attention?" He looks up from his phone screen and narrows his eyes at me, disapprovingly.

This act of his is beginning to get suspicious. But, there's nothing I can do about it.

"All I'm trying to get across, Styles," I say his name in the most disgusted way possible, "is that we've been together for almost three weeks and you haven't taken us on our first date. So, I'm giving you ideas." I say with my gaze unwavering, I'm showing him that I mean business.

"Our first date has to be perfect. I'm still looking for the right place." He voices his obvious excuse and begins his excessive typing on his phone again.

"No, Harry, you're not, you keep telling me that." I toss my phone on the side table.

"It's true," Louis mutters while he plays Candy Crush on his phone.

What is with everyone and their phones today?!

"Hannah, stop being dramatic and go eat some chocolate or something." He rolls his eyes while he types.

Goldie Locks (Under another set of editing! You can still read, though!)Where stories live. Discover now