Drama and Chaos.

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Song: Just Dance-Lady Gaga.

Hannah's POV:

"We are going to celebrate and I don't care what you think, H." Michael said with seriousness.

He pulled my hand through the alcohol store called, "Love Of Drinks". Michael was asking my opinion on about every bottle here. He keeps insisting that we have a party to celebrate him getting his and I quote, 'hot girl he wanted years ago'. He has tons of friends that he invited as he won't let me convince him otherwise. I invited Koyna because I need a girl-buddy. I am not planning to be alone in a party with hundreds of people that I don't know.

If I die, Koyna hopefully can be a living witness and can speak at my funeral. Not that I plan to die, plus I have no clue on how to do makeup. The most I can do is lipstick, mascara and a tiny bit of eyeshadow. Koyna said she's really good at it and she wants to make me unrecognizable. In a good way, of course.

"What about some whiskey? Ashton loves it," He held out a clear bottle with a fancy cursive labeling.

"I don't know what the heck that is, Michael!" I waved my hands in the air dramatically for effect.

"It's a drink, love," He smirked, knowing that it didn't help my confusion.

"Well, thanks, Captain Obvious," I waved him off and walked off into another aisle to avoid him.

I leaned against a wall in an aisle at the end, where lots of bottles of wine sat on the thick shelves. This is a small store and it's really hard to escape Michael and his alcohol problems. I know a few names of alcohol, but I don't know what they taste like or if they're strong.

I played with my finger nails, picking at the old green nail polish, a bad habit I do when I'm nervous or bored and trying to avoid conversations. There weren't a lot of people here, but since you can see people through the clear shelves and the store is small, it feels like there are tons of people.


I looked up from my nails to see a man.

He was young, probably around Michael's age. He had white hair, styled in a quiff and he was clothed in ripped denim jeans and a dark blue t-shirt with I Hate T-shirts written in bold white letters on it. I found myself staring at his shirt with a smirk until he called out to me again.

"Hello?" He waved in front of my face and I broke from my daydreams.

"Hi, nice shirt," I smirked pointing to his shirt.

He looked at me with confusion and gently tugged at his shirt, looking at it, puzzled.

"Oh, haha, thanks," He chuckled, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck once he realized what I was saying.

"So, what're you doing here by yourself?" He asked as he pretended to study the bottles of wine.

"Oh, I'm not by myself, unfortunately," I muttered, "My boyfriend is over there, he forced me to come with him." I let out a strained laugh.

I pointed at Michael once he looked around to figure out who my boyfriend was.

"Ah, I see, why does he need you to come with him?" He pressed another question.

Goldie Locks (Under another set of editing! You can still read, though!)Where stories live. Discover now