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Song for this chapter: Kindly Calm Me Down by Meghan Trainor.

Thomas's POV:

"Thomas, breakfast is ready, come eat before it gets cold. Plus, you need to do your school." My mom fussed with her creased eyebrows.

"I'm not hungry," I hissed burying my face deeper into my flat pillow.

"Thomas, it's not a choice, at least start your school." She scolded further leaving no room for excuses.

But, I can change that.

"Mom, can you please just let me have one day off? It won't mess up my whole school year!" I spat lifting my face up to face her.

I saw her eyes well up with tears. I haven't seen her cry since dad left. I never want to be the cause of her tears. I'm not supposed to yell at her, that's what dad did all the time. It brings back horrible memories for us all. Yelling in a strict no-no in this house and I just broke that rule.

"Mom, I'm s-sorry. I just......" I began softly.

Her eyes turned dark and she growled, "You are grounded, Thomas. There will be NO yelling in this house."

And with those words she left. I just caused my mom to remember things that never should have happened. I smushed my face into my pillows, crying.

I cried because I hurt Hannah, she was hurt and I had no right to get mad at her. Even though, she got mad at me first, but she was hurt and she needed my comfort and love. But, no, I gave her more pain.

I cried because I reminded my mom of memories and scars from our past and our father. All the crap he put us through, he was never like a father. And now I made her remember my horrible excuse for a 'father'.

I cried because Koyna won't speak to me because Hannah is hurt. She says Hannah won't speak to her and it's all my fault. Which it is, unfortunately.

I cried because I have hurt the people who mean the most to me. I'm supposed to protect them, help them, love them and make them smile. Not make them cry and be reminded of terrible events in the past and cause them further pain.

I pulled my phone out and tried to text the number I memorized faithfully in a day.

'Hannah, I need to talk to you.' I knew my text was pathetic, but I didn't know what else to say. I mean, how do I even start?

'Yeah, it's nice to know you care enough to text me instead of actually showing up at my house. We have nothing to discuss.' Came her snappy reply.

I frowned at the reply and I know I've really messed everything up.
My mind told me to stop texting her. But, I ignored that and pressed on with another reply.

'Yes, we do, I'm coming over.' I tried sounding stern. Key word being 'tried'.

'Shut up, Thomas. Okay? I don't want to speak to you. I'm seriously done with you. You nag me and force me to do things I don't agree with. I'm better off without you and Harry. Don't bother yourself coming over. I'll only go to the bathroom and lock the door. I won't come out unless I know you're gone. You can trust me on that one.'

I briefly scanned her text. Her text was long and I instantly knew that long texts never mean anything good. But, I slowed down and read it, sentence by sentence. My vision blurred after I finished reading it.

There's only one thing I can do. I have to do it at night, through.

I shook my head vigorously to make the tears fall out and fly away. After I could see, I wiped my eyes with my sweater paw.

Goldie Locks (Under another set of editing! You can still read, though!)Where stories live. Discover now