I want to get better.

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Please read the A/N at the end, first! Thank you!!

Song: Tides-Jack And Jack.

*four days later*

Thomas's POV:

"She's just upset at the moment. She'll calm down very soon, I bet." I silenced her rambling parents.

They were very upset because, Hannah has been acting very odd ever since that one appointment. She is back to laying in her bed all day, refusing to eat anything but lunch and she only drinks three glasses of water a day.

Her parents said it was my fault but I reminded them, that therapy is supposed to help and if it's not, that is kinda unusual. It's not my fault. They apologized later on.

"I'm just really worried, Thomas," Her mother said through tears and melting mascara.

"I know, I know, Mrs. Waller, I will figure out something, just hang in there. Okay?" I reassured rubbing her shoulder.

"What are you going to do, Thomas?! Nothing is working!" Her father said coldly, he was trusting only God to help her.

They both relied on God, for he was the only one who could change this. But, at the moment, they seem to have     temporarily lost their faith.

"I-I don't know, but I promise you, ma'am and sir, I will find a way." Even though, I didn't believe my own words, I will have to find a way or one day they may grow too tired to try with her anymore.

"I'm so confused with her, it's all Harry's fault! He caused all these problems and now? He's off playing with some other girl." Mrs. Waller cried into Mr. Waller's shirt.

"Some other girl?" Hannah faintly whispered clutching onto the wall corner.

"Y-yes, Harry is dating Mia now, Hannah." I replied softly waiting for her to break down.

"Dating?!" She screamed stomping a foot onto the ground.

"I know, I know, Hannah, he'll see one day or you'll find another..." I began to say but was cut off by her.

"No, no he won't, I am just a fool and I am never going to find another. There is nobody like Harry. I'm done with all the drama and I'm done. I'm going back to bed to think." She quickly cut off all conversations.

"What about me? Am I not good enough?" I couldn't stop the words. I had begun developing small feelings for her and she is very slowly becoming my weakness.

"You only nag me, like my parents. We were good friends at first, but now, I don't want to see you anymore. I'm not going to see Mrs. Diana or you. So, just...get out, okay? Just go, leave." She snarled flipping her long hair over her shoulder.

I watched her walk down the hall and heard her footsteps as they became farther upstairs. I stood there with my jaw on the floor, hurt, shock, rejection, wasted time, no love, all these feelings were suppressing my lungs and I feel like I can't breathe.

Never see her again? Ever? How can I just walk away? I thought we were friends, I didn't know I was nagging her
and now I just lost her. No, no, I'm not just walking away, I'd be so stupid to do so.

I marched up the stairs and abruptly stopped in front of her door. I threw the door open and forced my body through the door.

Goldie Locks (Under another set of editing! You can still read, though!)Where stories live. Discover now