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ihy haylay

ihy haylay

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thxs. everybody dislike her video.

"BRANDON!!" I hear Ashton's voice yell

Brandon just rolls his eyes

"Let's go Sky." He says about to get up.

"No." I say. "I wanna help Ashton. I want him to know he's not alone. I remember being a young teenager was hard. It must be even harder now."

"Sky, he won't even say a thing to you." Brandon says

"What could possibly go wrong?"


"Why didn't you answer me?" Ashton says to Brandon. "Were you to busy kissing your girlfriend?"

"Shut up Ashton, we're not dating." Brandon says

"Ashton." I say putting my hand on his shoulder. He immediately takes a huge step back away from me. "Why are you being so moody?"

"Brandon, please get your girlfriend away from me." He says. "She's trying to be a guidance counselor or something. Always trying to get in people WHO ACTUALLY HAVE A LIFE'S BUSINESS."

"C'mon Sky." Brandon says taking my hand. "I told you it wouldn't work."

"No." I say letting go of Brandon's hand "Ashton, you aren't the same person you were before. Like I don't even know you anymore."

"WELL MAYBE I'M MAD BECAUSE YOU JUST LEFT ME!" He says. Well, more like yelling.

He stomps up the stairs and to his room. He slams his door.

he's mad at me because i left the boys 2 years ago.

because i left the silly groupchat.

another kinda cliffhanger for you @Piggylover666

dislike hellohaley's recent youtube video thanks.

but you can also dislike all of them

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