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two broadcasts in one day? what is this 2015?? -simon britton aka my taco.

Blake:hello there

Sky:can I see a picture of you?



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Sky:i love food too

Blake:I'm sorry if your still kinda shocked by just meeting this boy and confessing that I have feelings for you

Sky:its fine

Blake:this is kinda a personal question but

Blake:do you feel anything for me?

Sky:well I'll admit that your a little cute but

Sky:we just started talking


Sky:how about this,

Sky:we can talk and all

Sky:but no catching feelings until we're twenty

Blake:i can still love you

Sky:just keep it personal

Blake:so we're taking the long way

Sky:its only two years

Sky:so many things could change

Blake:just know

Blake:no matter how long it takes until we can finally date each other

Blake:I'll be right here

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