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happy halloween!

Jackson's POV

Today is her favorite holiday.

Dressing up, going out and getting candy.

But this year it'll be different.

Spending time in the hospital.

Praying she'll get better.

Blake's POV

Here I am again.

In a hospital room for a friend.


"What was the last thing you remember?" The doctor asked.

"Getting a snack for Jackson." She said. "That's all I can remember."

"And then you just fell?" She asks

"Yeah. And he lives close. I think." Sky says

"Can you name everyone in this room?" The doctor asks

"Jackson, Nathan, Julian-and." Sky says. Forgetting my name. "I can't remember the blonde one."

"I-i I gotta go to the bathroom." I say busting out of the door.


Blake:she doesn't remember my name


Blake:Sky was getting something from the cabinet and she fell on her head or something

Blake:and the doctor asked if she could name everyone in the room

Blake:and she forgot mine.

Weston:so what

Weston:she'll remember you

Blake:that's not the point


Blake:how do i ask her out in less than 5 days if she doesn't remember me?


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