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Hi, guys!

101!!! I am so excited!!! Thank you guys so much!

On another note I want to make an announcement: 

I feel like I am in some way promoting mental health and eating disorders. I by no means am doing that. In the past, I had gone through mental struggles, and am currently recovering from my eating disorder. I had a moment today where I realized what the heck am I doing?

Sometimes I think reading stories about suicide both helped and hurt me during those hard times.

I know I had Edward kill himself, but I did that to the show the after effects and how much it devastates the family.

The eating disorder thing will pursue the story, but once again I will not advocate on behalf of pro-ana, or encourage any such behavior. I will also show the severe consquences.

If anyone needs help getting through an eating disorder here is a passage by @doublehihi2 called Anorexia. It is really powerful and honest. 

If anyone wants to talk about depression, anxiety, psychosis, or eating disorder, just message me.

That's the point I'm trying to get across. Because no one should get trapped in the world of monsters in our heads that don't exist. Depression and distorted body image, or any other mental obstacles are simply our imagination. Thank you for listening.

But I am keeping the book the same way. Thanks again!

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