Thieving Love

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Regina and Robin were so in love. You're average Bonnie and Clyde, just without the killing. Regina was an eighteen-year-old girl, and about two years ago you wouldn't believe that she could ever do anything wrong.

As soon as she graduated, she took off with her newly found love, Robin. He was a high-school dropout and didn't have a care in the world. That is, until he met Regina. She was his world; he always did what he could to give her what she wanted. After high school, he took her away. He told her he would give her a life that she always wanted. A family, a house, and anything else her little heart desired.

They met a year before, in her junior year. He ran into her on his way out of a pharmacy. He had stolen a box of pop tarts for him to eat. Robin was penniless, he had no home, and he couldn't help that he was hungry. He had to do whatever it took to feed himself.

 As he was running out of the store, the man inside yelled at him to come back. He would have gotten away easy, but he ran into Regina, causing them both to fall to the ground.

She eventually figured out what was happening, and Robin asked for help. She was hesitant at first, but agreed moment after. She helped him stand, then she looked at the man and told him that Robin was just trying to provide for his family, as she placed a hand on her belly. She told the man that they were poor and had nothing but she was with child and she needed something to eat. The man had agreed and let them go with a warning.

"Thank you, m'lady." Robin said with a dimple filled smile. One that had Regina's stomach doing somersaults. He was certainly good looking, for a thief.

"Don't mention it." She replied with a nod of her head, and she went on her way.

Robin was intrigued by this girl, she was so quick to help him and she didn't even know him. He was grateful for the assistance, but he wanted to figure out more about this girl. So he let his heart guide him, and he ran after her. If you ask him, he'll tell you still, to this day, that it was the best decision he ever made.

Now, here they are almost two years later, both never taking a break, and neither leaving each other's side. They help each other. Robin steals for Regina and himself, and she helps with the distracting and the back stories. All they have is a car, a stolen car, and enough money to get gas when they need it. That's all they need though, they are happy with just each other and a small bag full of stolen food.

"Okay, you remember what I told you?" Robin asks turning his body in the drivers seat to look at his love. She simply nods.

"Yep.. I go inside and let you ask the clerk for directions, then I get the food and the supplies we need."

"Exactly." He smiles and pecks her lips in the most tender way. He was always so gentle with her. He isn't the softy type, but when it comes to Regina, no one would believe that he's a rough, outgoing kind of guy. He loves her.

They both exit the vehicle and walk inside. Robin goes to the counter to talk to the clerk, and Regina went to the back of the store with he bag draped over her shoulder. She watches as Robin nods at her, then he starts to talk to the man. Quickly, she grabs some chips, a few boxes of microwavable meals, toothpaste, a box of tampons, some condoms, a few more food items, and a book for her to read. She likes to read. She shoves it all into her bag then walks up behind Robin. She grabs his hand and leans into his ear,

"Baby," She whines. "Let's go already."

"Okay, just a minute, babe." He says before looking at the man once again. "So I just take this route here, then this exit, then it'll take me to the interstate?" Robin asks as he runs his finger over the lines of the map. The clerk nods.

"Alright, thanks for the help."

He takes Regina's hand and leads her out of the store. As soon as the coast was clear, they darted for the car, both hopping inside it. They share a passionate kiss before pulling away quickly and laughing as Robin starts the car.

"I got you something." The dirty blonde thief spoke up before driving away.

"Oh, what is it?" She responds with excitement bubbling in her voice.

He quickly holds up a keychain, a small, plastic, and red apple hanging off it. She loves apples, they are her favorite fruit. Her favorite anything actually. A smile forms at the edges of her lips, it grows until all her pearly white teeth are showing.

"Babe! I love it." She giggles and pulls him into a kiss. His hand comes up around her cheek, his thumb on her cheekbone and his palm near the corner of her mouth. They pull away, only to share another peck on the lips before he drives off toward a hotel.

New story yay!! Okay, sorry it's a short chapter, but they will get longer, I promise.

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