Just Give In

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A/N: I must warn anyone about to read this chapter that it is very mature and smutty. If you don't enjoy reading that, then turn back now. But others who will read on, please enjoy 💋

Having no money, they settled for stealing whatever hotel room was open. They stood outside in the parking lot by their car before making a decision. Suddenly, a cleaning lady walked out of one of the rooms, they found their room for the night.

Regina darted into the room as soon as the woman had her back to them, she held the door open for Robin who was carrying all their 'luggage'.

As soon as they had settled down, Regina took her bag and dumped everything she had stolen from the store onto the bed. Separating the food, and the objects with the least and most importance. Three different piles.

"What are you doing?" His male voice spoke up as he looked over her shoulder at the bed.

"Just organising." She responded nonchalantly. Pointing to the pile on the left. "This is the less important things we need. And-" She then pointed to the right pile. "This is for the more important." She smiled and glanced up at her thief.

His eyebrow raised as he examined the piles, chuckling when he noticed something she had done.

"Condoms are more important than toothpaste?" He teased with a playful smirk, which he only received a bashful grin in return.

"You're adorable." He bent down and pecked the hair on the top of her head.

"Yeah, yeah, your just saying that."

With a heart laugh, he bends down again and picks her up. One arm wrapped around her waist, and the other under her knees. Tossing her on the bed and climbing on top of her. She let out a small giggle, moving the piles to the floor and situating herself to be more comfortable. He hovered over her body, his knees press into the matress on the outside of both her thighs.

His head inches from hers, both their lips parted slightly as their breaths came out hot and uneven. Her eyes were locked on his ocean blue ones, eyes she knew she could swim then easily drown in. His eyes on the other hand, had one thing in sight. Her supple lips. He dives in hungryly, warm lips meeting and causing sparks between the two hearts that beat as one. His hands grab her hands and hold them above her head as he continued to passionately make out with her.

As their mouths dance with one another, his tongue runs across her bottom lip, wanting entrance that she granted instantly. Both moaning when their tongues meet in the middle. Her hips start to roll against his, causing only a little friction, but not enough. One of his hands leave her hands at the top of her head and move down to her waist. Keeping her firmly on the bed, stopping her from being able to move. She pulled away from the kiss and groans.

"You always do that to me." She whines, out of breath.

He only rolls his eyes and dives back in. Only instead of meeting her lips, he searched for her pulse point on her neck. She let's out a moan and pushes him off her. He grunts and looks at his lover confused. She pushes him off her completely and smirks. Her plan was to make him wait, or at least until he begged for her. She crawled off the bed and stands, giving him a devilish grin. He stands also and walks around her. He can't contain himself, he needs to feel his lips on hers, his hands on her bare skin. He launches towards her, trying to capture her lips in his, but she pulls away, smirking as she lightly bites her lip.

She let's him fall forward onto the bed behind her. A smirk dancing on her lips.

"Did you really think it would be that easy? You don't get me that quick, sweetheart." Her voice radiates over the whole room, it's low and very sexy.

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