Oh Ms. Believer

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   *WARNING* This chapter contains very touchy subjects that can be very real for people in every day life. If you, or anyone you know has gone through such things as depression or self harm, know you are not alone. 

    If reading such things as depression stories is to much for you, please do not read this chapter. The following contains some strong slurs and language. 

    Again, huge disclaimer here. This chapter can be familiar to past occurrences for some people. Read at your own risk. 

   Skipping this chapter will NOT affect comprehension for future chapters in this story.  

"Oh, Miss Believer, my pretty sleeper, 

    Your twisted mind is like snow on the road, 

    Your shaking shoulders prove that it's colder, 

    Inside your head than the winter of dead"

  Erin could only think of the worst when she waited in the waiting room of the ER. She knew deep down that Jillian would be fine, but there was still a constant negative thought lurking in Erin's mind. Erin felt as though her dreams were becoming reality. All of this seemed to similar to her dream she had the day the incident between her and Jillian happened. 

" Stop thinking like that. " Erin whispered to herself. 

The whisper Erin muttered was not as quiet as she thought, though. Abby looked up from the Time magazine she was reading to glare at Erin. 

" Come again?" Said Abby. 

" Oh- nothing. Just thinking out loud. " Explained Erin. 

" Okay. Everything fine?" Abby wondered. 

" Yes, just pondering. " Responded Erin. 

" Okay." Said Abby. Abby looked back down to her magazine and continued reading. Abby, who was sure Holtzmann would be fine, did not spend her time there worrying all to much. She was confident enough that Holtzmann would just get a diagnosis of some kind, not something that would be life threatening to her. But, Abby's thoughts were different from Erin's. Erin, who cared deeply about Holtzmann, could only slip away into an abyss of negativity. She stared at her phone and scrolled through the latest news articles. Most were negative, of course. Erin couldn't escape the terribleness of what reality sadly is. The constant feed of bad vibes got to her head. All her thoughts were altered from thinking positive to terrible. Erin couldn't escape the darkness of her inner feelings sitting in that quiet ER waiting room. 

Jillian's ER Room 

" Hello, Jillian. I'm Dr. Frakenfurt. I work in the psychiatric wing of this hospital. We want to ask you a few questions to get a synopsis of your current mental state. Good news is that your physical health is in stable condition, but we want to make sure that your emotional and mental health is just as well, if not better. We can either ask you the questions here, right now, or once you move to your overnight room, we can ask you there. Which ever one is fine. " Dr. Frakenfurt stared intently at Jillian. His eyes glaring at her with a sense of urgency. 

" We can do it now. " Said Jillian. 

" Great. So if the question is too hard to answer, or you don't have a response to it, just say pass. Got it?" Questioned the Doctor. 

" Got it. " Jillian than nodded to emphasis her comprehension. 

" Okay, so question number one. Have you, or anybody in your family have a history of depression? " 

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