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I looked at the clock. It has been 20 minutes since Taehyung told me to go upstairs to his room. Did he forget me?
Can I go?


Remember what he said! Don't escape, what he says always happens.

How did I even fall for that monster?
I never wanted to.

The door slowly opened and it was one of Taehyung's friends. Jimin.

"Taehyung says you can get downstairs and get some food with us." He said coldly like always and turned around to leave. But I spoke up before he could leave me.

"Are we eating in the dorm or at an restaurant?" I asked hopefully we will eat home. He turned around and looked at me with a smirk.

"Home." He said and walked away simply with no other words.

I kinda smiled. Now he can't make me embarrassed at an restaurant. Perfect.

I got slowly up and walked down slowly as well. I went into the living room and everyone were already eating.
I looked at Taehyung and he had the biggest most innocent smile ever while

This is not how he is...

It made me really uncomfortable to see him like this, I backed away and walked slowly away.

"Hey! Come back here!"

Shoot, he noticed me. A slowly walk back and have my head down. I don't dare to look up at him. No, not just him. Everyone. His friends and him.

"Baby come and sit on my lap."

I looked up and Taehyung was smirking while taping his lap. I obviously walked over to him and sat down. What do you expect me to do? I'm scared! If I could I would run, but it not something I can do. Not without him haunting me for the rest of my life, running after me, finding, making me suffer even more!


I jump a little and fall off Taehyung's lap. I looked up at everyone and they loo at me, confused of course.
I stood up and bowed as and apologize and sat back down on Taehyung's lap.
This is freaking me out, everything he do. He does things that ni human could be forgiven for but he has everything and everyone. His friend's, a cute dog, family, a good looking face. And every girl are dying to be with him.
Me especially, but I'm actually dying inside.

"Open your mouth." He said and took the chopsticks he use to hold the sushi close to my mouth. I didn't dare to open my mouth but I slowly do cause I know what will happen.

He put the pice of fish and rice in my mouth and smiles. Why is he so warm hearted now? Is he planning on something..?

I ate what I got and looked at his dog who was tugging on his sweatshirt. Taehyung gave him a little of the fish and the dog smiled and ran around while eating it.

"I'm done eating. Can I go now..?" I asked my voice shaking. I slowly got up from his lap but he grabbed my old grey shirt and pulled me back down.

"No you can't." He said and ate.

He still tried to fead me, but I mostly refused to eat anything.
I looked at Jungkook and he was playing with his food. What's wrong with that kid? It felt like too much for me. I felt like crying, I just want to go home!

I got up and ran, but someone grabbed the old shirt I was wearing. I turned ny head to see Rap Monster. I tried to get away but it ended up with the only thing I was wearing gave up on life.
I fell down onto the floor with Rap Monster. My head hit the floor first but I couldn't pase out now, not when I'm half baked around seven other guy though.

I sat up and covered myself with my legs and arms, I looked at my shirt and felt like crying again. It was the only thing I had to wear. Taehyung didn't let me wear anything else than a stupid shirt and some knee high socks. He said it's looking cute when girl has that style.

I looked up and Taehyung stood there shaking his head. He didn't say anything though, but I could see he was mad, but he had a boner... maybe I can use it to something so I won't get hit tonight...
It's better, right?

"Jungkook take her to my room." Taehyung simply said with no emotions as usual and walked to another room.

It needed to be Jungkook.

Jungkook walked in and when he saw me his eyes widened. He looked like those animated cartoons in Cartoon Network.

I covered myself and felt tears rolling down my cheek, but I wiped it away before more came. I heard him sighs and he lifted me up and walked to Taehyung's room. I couldn't hold it in anymore and broke down in tears. I griped Jungkook's shirt and cried into his chest.

He didn't do anything, he just let me cry. What an idiot.

When we came to Taehyung's room he put me down carefully on the bed and looked at me.

"Look at what you have done to yourself." He said and looked at my scares and wounds. He rolled his eyes and took his hands in his pocket.

"How did even your parents let you live with a complete stranger?" He breathed out a short breath and then spoke again.

"I wonder what our class would have seen you like if they knew-"

"No please don't!" I cut him off and looked up at him.

"Mhm? What? Let me see if you dare to talk against me again?"

When he said that I kept silent. He sounds like Taehyung. His friends are exactly like him.

"Like I thought." He said and walked away.


I wanted to yell at him, why didn't I?! I'm an idiot! I'm probably going to die here. In this house, because of Taehyung and his friends.

INSANE - Kim Taehyung Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя