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"Wake up you spoiled brat!" Someone yelled and shook me aggressively. I slowly opened my eyes to be gestured with Jungkook's pissed morning face.

"We will be late for school you idiot." He said and groaned with his hand crossed against his chest.

I sat up and rubbed my head and looked to my side to see Taehyung laying there looking at the roof, but what I noticed is that he is with no shirt. My eyes widened and I looked at Jungkook, and he has no shirt on as well. HOW COULD I IGNORE THAT?!

"Ah!" I covered my face so they wouldn't see my blushing face and so I don't look at them shirtless.

"What the heck?! Why did you have to scream?! Ah my poor ears!" Jungkook kinda angrily whined.

"Let it be Jungkook, just show her the school uniform." Taehyung calmly said and I felt him getting up from the bed.

I slowly looked up to see Jungkook already on the edge of killing me, his blood vessels were showing on his arms and he grips onto his arm with his nails to not hurt me at this point.

"Why did Taehyung chose you out of all, you're like a twelve year old child even tho you're 18." Jungkook rolled his eyes and ruffled his already messy hair.

"J-Jungkook...please just let me go home...." I don't know where that came from, it just came out of my mouth without thinking.

He chuckled and looked at me while saying, "you really think so? I like to see your innocent eyes see all the difference of in this house and out there. Welcome to the real world as our slave, everything aren't about butterflies and rainbows. The real suffering haven't even started," his words made me worry even more. The real suffering haven't started..?

Some tears fell and I quickly got up and ran out of the room.

"YAH!" I heard Jungkook yell while chasing me. He is so much faster than me, but I must try.

I ran out of the house, I looked behind me but I didn't see Jungkook. What the..? He was just behind me a second ago.

Right at the moment I looked to my front again and saw a car coming my way with a speed that it wouldn't help if they even tried to stop. The second before it hit me someone pushed me away and we landed on the grass.

I don't know who this is, or what I could do either, but what I did was to hug the person and cry into their shoulder.

I heard him sigh and hug me back. "Next time you run away I'll tell Taehyung." Jungkook said pissed and rubbed my back. At this point I don't care that it's Jungkook, or even if it was anyone in the gang of the 7 drug dealers with Taehyung that is physically aggressive.

All I wanted to, was to go home...

"Come, lets go before Taehyung notice that you got out-"

"No use Jungkook, I already know. Hold her strongly, and I don't care if crush her bones or ribbons, it's less than what I'll do with her." My eyes widened because of Taehyung's words, and all Jungkook did was nodding and holding on me tighter. I tried escape, but for what? No use.

Jungkook's grip got tighter and it started to hurt a lot more. I cried out for help, but their house is out in no human living place. If it is any humans here they drive by for work.

"Jungkook please! Let me go! Taehyung will hurt me! PLEASE! I BEG YOU!" I looked at him with tears in my eyes. All Jungkook did was to shrug and say, "told you" and smirked.

Jungkook finally let go of me and I finally could get to breath. But only for a second until Taehyung gripped my hair and dragged me along the ground to the house.

"AH! LET ME GO! LET ME GO!" I cried out, but he didn't care either.

The ground made the clothes he borrowed me all dirty and they got some holes. My back and legs all got buries and got sore. I felt blood following down my body.

I looked up at Taehyung, but I didn't see a single sigh of guilt. How can he be like this..? What did I ever do to him..?

He pushed me into the living room. I just want to leave, why must it be so hard..?

"Tie her up against the wall with her back toward me."

Rap Monster tied me up and I felt no use to even try. Cant he just kill me already...? He is insane..! I can't live like this...

INSANE - Kim Taehyung Where stories live. Discover now