~ Fourteenth Chapter ~

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"My legs hurt!" Natsumi yelled and fell on Masakos bed.

Girls were in their pajamas. Riko and Momoi joined their sleepover. Masako entered the room with snacks and juices. She put them on little table in the corner and sat on the bed beside Natsumi.

"Mine too." Reiko said.

"So, Momoi..." Natsumi started and looked at her. "You know everything about every player?"

"Yes." She smiled.

"Riko, you too?"

When Riko nodded, Natsumi sighed.

"How do you guys know that?"

"We are analyzing players. And their bodies..." Riko said.

"What do you guys think about me?" Natsumi said and put her hands in the air.

"Fast, strong and..." Riko stopped.

"Loud?" Momoi added and Natsumi giggeled.

"You guys guessed everything." Tomoko jumped in the conversation.

"You guys are good friends?" Ayako asked.

"At first, we weren't." Riko said.

"You were just jealous of my breasts..." Momoi joked.

Riko looked at her shocked. She just giggeled. Masako stood up and went towards the computer. She typed something and played the music.

"Up, guys! Sleepover is not a sleepover if we don't dance and sing."

Natsumi smirked and took her brush. Masako took other brush.

"Are you sure about this, Aominecchi?" Kise whispered.

Seven of them were in front of half opened doors of girls room.

"Daiki, this is lame..." Akashi mumbuled.

"You don't wanna know what your girlfriend is talking about you with her friends?" He raised his eyebrows.

Akashi sighed a little and continued to watch. It is true that he was curious about it, but this was wrong. It was very wrong to spy on them.

"Be quiet, guys." Aomine said.

Kagami, Kuroko, Murisakibara, Kise, Aomine, Akashi and Midorima (who didn't even wanted to be here) sat in front of girls room. They had amazing view on the girls.

"What are you guys doing?" Hyuga asked and they almost screamed.

"Spying?" Kise said blushing.

Hyuga was quiet for a moment. After that he pats their backs.

"Whatever you are doing, don't touch Riko." He said and left before anyone had a chance to ask him something.

They shruged and turned to the room. Music started playing. Masako got up and stood in front of girls with silly paper crown.

"On a scale from 1 to 10, I am perfect like I am.
I don't need your number, we don't need your number.
And the stupid magazines, want me to change my everything.
It don't even matter, they're not taking my power.
I'm so over all of these voices around,
They've said enough it's my turn let's get loud."

She turned to others. They all started jumping around the room and dancing.

"I'll show you what a girl is, 'cause all of me is perfect.
Who cares about the dress size, it's all about what's inside.
I'll stand up now, and won't back down.
We're breaking through the surface, to show you what a girl is."

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