The Dramatic Cliché Past

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3rd person POV
"Hi! My name's MC! But you can call me by my real name, Elena, if you'd like!" A woman said. She didn't look a day over 15.
A man responded,
"My name's Hyun." He looked about 16.
"That's it?" MC said," You should have a stage name!"
"Like what?" Hyun asked.
"Hm... something catchy.. pretty... memorable... what about... ZEN?" MC giggled.
"Then ZEN it is!" Hyun, no, ZEN, said.
They both laughed.
"I look forward to doing this musical with you!"
A woman is lying in a hospital bed, coughing weakly. Another, younger, almost identical looking woman stood by her bedside.
"Mama?" The young woman says.
"Elena.... I..-" the woman that was coughing started, but her head landed on the bed with a thud, and her machine went flatline.
"Mama? Mama!?! MAMA!?!" The young woman cried, shrieking.
A man walked into the room, his eyes filled with worry.
"F-father! Why?!?" The woman said.
The man just looked at his daughter with a shocked expression.
"Leave." He said.
"Father!" She cried
"I SAID LEAVE. You did nothing but increase the stress for your mother because of that stupid.. musical of yours, and look at what happened. I never want to see you again."
"I never loved you anyway.. you filthy womanizer! Go run off to your affair woman. I wouldn't care less. And it's not like I liked Brother much anyways!" She screamed. Her brother was standing, shocked, outside of the room. He knew that she was right. Her mother was his stepmother, and she was his half sister. His father would probably marry one of his girlfriends. His sister stalked off.

"I will never play in a musical again!"

The sister was crying. Zen went to go get her, because it was the day of the premiere. He could not find her. So the musical was delayed until they found a replacement.
A family of 4 is eating dinner. There is a father, mother, son, and daughter.
"Mama!" The little girl said.
"What is it Elena?" The woman said.
"Can Sae and Lucie come over?" The girl said. The woman chuckled at her 7 year old daughter.
"Of course," she said.
"Yay! La la la lala🎶!" The girl twirled away from the table.
Later, two redhead boys arrived at the mansion.
"Sae! Lucie!" The girl giggles.
"Hi Elena!" The taller boy said.
The smaller one only sniffled as he examined the bruises on his arm.
The girl gasped, and gives the little boy a huge hug.
"Sae! No!" She cried,"What happened?"
" hates me.." he sniffed.
"Sae...." the girl said,"Lucie, does she do that to you too?"
The taller boy shook his head,
"Not as bad as Brother."
The girl hugged the both of them and led them to the best room ever, the kitchen. She grabbed a plate of fresh cookies and milk, setting it down in front of them.
"Eat." She said sternly. They finished the plate in only five minutes.
"Ok, let's go swimming." The girl said. The boys reluctantly follow her. They went to a room with a large pool. The smaller boy always enjoyed Elena's house. He could escape reality and get lost in the knowledge of her library. Honestly, he just wanted to run away and live with her family. He sighed. He could never make it to her house, and even if he did, his mother would find him here and punish him. No, he would always be forced to endure the pain. Forever...

"Sae!" The girl yelled,"Come on!"
The boy walked to the pool and jumped in.
"Let's play a game!" The taller boy said.
"Let's play Oh How I Wish!" The girl said,
"I'll go first!"
She cleared her throat.
"Oh how I wish that you guys lived here with me."
The taller boy went next.
"Oh how I wish that I lived on Long-Cat island and only eat Honey Buddha Chips and Ph Dr Pepper for the rest of my life!"
The smaller boy went last.
"Oh how I wish that I was loved..."
The girl hugs him.
"But you are loved. By me and Lucie."

Saeran smiles
"Thank you sis,"

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