Crippling Depression

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Seven's POV

"I would like a triple cheeseburger and a large Dr Pepper." I say to the drive through speaker thing.
"Oh! And a chocolate milkshake!" I add.
"Ok sir, your total is 7.96." The woman says. I pull out my wallet and smirk. Cause this wasn't my wallet... it's Elena's. God that girl is loaded! I pulled out a wad of cash and grab what I need. I hand it to the person in charge of money. I grab the heavenly Dr Pepper. I drive on over to Rika's old apartment to go check on Elena. But when I get there, she's gone. A door opens behind me.
"Oh... who are you?" It is Leila.
"Come on, don't you remember me? I'm your future husband!" I laugh. Nobody can beat my jokes!
"Oh... hello babe!" She jokes back. I fall to the ground dramatically.
"No... you beat me at my own game!" I hold my hand over my heart. She laughs,"Haha my evil plan has succeeded!"
I snort.
"Do you know where Elena is?" I ask.
"In her apartment probably." She responds.
"But she's not there!" I say.
"WHAT?!? But she never leaves her room!" Leila panics.
"Where is she?" I say

Elena's POV
"Has his condition improved?" V asks.
"No," I say,"His depression is getting worse."
"This is bad.." he responds,"Visit him often. You cheer him up."
"I'm going to have to leave soon," I said,"I'm not known for ever leaving my room,"
"Why?" He asks,"What do you do in your room all day?"
"You know, reading books, staring at photos." I say, leaving V's house,
"Bye V."
"Staring at photos?" V asks, but I already left.

Emma's POV (Ya that's random)

I sit down on the couch, opening my TV. I turn on the desktop. I open up LOLOL. It looks like Yoosung is online. I connect to him.
"Wassup man," I say
"Hiiiiiiii Bearcraft!!!!" He responds.
"Wanna play?" I ask.
"Oh ya!" He said.
"So... what classes are you taking?" I ask.
"Um... I don't remember." He said.
"Good... cause I don't either." I say.
"Hey! Wanna meet at lunch?" He asks.
"Ya!" I say.
~Le next day..~

"Hi Bearcraft!" Yoosung says.
"Hi Yoosung!" I respond,"So.. um... what do you want to talk about?"
"Uh.. um... uh... umm... yeah... What about the others? Like what we think about the others." He says.
"Ok! I think that I am exactly like Seven, just not as smart. I'm scared of Zen." I say,"He just doesn't seem trustworthy to me."
"Zen.. he's a good friend. He may come off as uncaring or untrustworthy, but he has a good heart. He had a rough childhood." Yoosung said,"And honestly, you aren't really like Seven at all. You are much softer and caring, almost like... Rika..." he looks like he's about to cry.
"Rika?" I ask.
"M-my cousin. S-she committed suicide a year and a half ago. You just seem... so much like her. You're caring, and kind, and I can't help but see her in you!" He said, tears on the verge of forming. I gasp.
"No don't cry little puppy dog!" I yell very loud. The whole school looks at us like we are crazy. I shrink into my seat.
Oh man...
Seven's POV
"IM BACK!" Elena screams. She runs up to the door, almost breaking it down. I laugh.
I ask,"Why weren't you at your house?"
"I ran out of food." She said like it was obvious. She goes into the room, opening her fridge. It was completely full. I give her the what-even-woman look.
"What? I ran out of chocolate!"she says.
"....Can I have some?" I ask.
She gives me the you-wanna-die-nurd look. Yeah, I'm sure with all the looks frying around, you're pretty confused.
I chuckle.
"Yes okay?" I joke.
"Oh... then..." she starts, then socks me in the face.
"Ow I was joking!" I say, grabbing my glasses.
We laughed hard. I thought I was going to pass out. But then....

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