Save Me, Shadowhunter

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So clearly, this is for the ship Malec from the Mortal Instruments series.

If you enjoy it, let me know, and maybe I'll make a book of Shadowhunter oneshots (sizzy, clace, malec, etc.)



Alec was trudging up the stairs to Magnus' apartment. He had been at the Institute with Jace all day, flipping off the high beams and training for attacks. He was sore, and that was nothing unusual for the Shadowhunter. He rubbed his left eye and took out the key to Magnus' apartment.

He couldn't stop the twinge of pride that spread throughout his chest. He never thought he'd be here, having a key to his boyfriend's home. His home. He opened the door, locking it again behind him and laying the key on the mantle.

He gave a nod to Chairman Meow and tilted his head up, listening for the presence of the one he loved dearly. "Magnus?" He called softly into the darkness. They'd never been one for pet names. Alec walked towards the back hallway containing the bedrooms and bathroom.

He pushed open the door to his and Magnus' room, smiling as he saw the sheets drawn back and things set for bed. He peeked into the bathroom and instantly regretted it.

Magnus was standing on the ledge of his bathtub, wearing pink glittery bath robes and in the process of removing his makeup. Black glitter caked his face and he was holding the wipe in his hand as he screamed about something.

Alec stepped into the bathroom. "Magnus, for the love of angel, what are you doing?" His voice came out stern, something he knew Magnus loved.

"Don't you see it? That little beast sitting on MY floor? Looking at me with its.. its eyes?! Don't you see it Alexander?" Magnus gestured widly to the floor.

Alec looked at the blue tiles and sure enough there was a small spider casually sitting with its legs splayed out. "Magnus, just snap. Kill it." Alec couldn't help the eyeroll that escaped.

"I can't! What if it kills me! It could jump, Alexander, jump. It could jump on my face and eat my brains, it's huge!" Magnus wailed, throwing his arms haphazardly over his head.

"Magnus, it's tiny. You're being dramatic. Just snap, or step on it."

In reality the spider was no bigger than Alec's pinky nail. It was small and black and didn't appear to move. However to Magnus, it was massive. Bigger than Alec's- not that it mattered what he was thinking about.

Magnus let out a girly scream as the spider moved a couple centimeters, heading towards the door. Alec raised his boot and clamped the steel toe down on the creature, disposing of its carcass.

"There, is that better, princess?" Alec said without even realizing his use of a pet name. He took Magnus' hand and helped him off the bathtub. He took the wipe from his hand and gently removed the rest of his makeup, letting his fingers caress his lover's bare face.

"My hero!" Magnus cried dramatically, launching himself into Alec's arms and placing a big, wet kiss on the shadowhunter's lips. "How does a massage sound Alexander?" He purred, his lips against Alec's ear.

"Amazing," Alec groaned, "Jace pushed me so hard today. My body hurts, I'm exhausted." Alec sighed softly. "A massage sounds amazing."

"Good, because I'm really stressed now." Magnus said with a clear joking tone in his voice. He raised his eyebrows in his stupid cheeky grin and took Alec's hand, leading him to bed.

"Sometimes I don't know what I'm going to do with you." Alec mumbled.

"Stay, and love me forever." Magnus wrapped his arms around Alec from behind, resting his palms flat on his bare chest. His thumb stroked the runes and the scars. As long as he had his Alexander, he could face any spider.

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