You Know I Hate O Negative, Simon.

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Saphael, guys. So literally as I was watching the show I started thinking of how Saphael would be extremely kinky. Oops


Simon was laying down on the black silk sheets of the Hotel Dumort. He had his own room there. After promising his loyalty to Raphael, they treated him like their brother. Much to Simon's surprise, he found himself growing closer to the clan leader.

After Clary had abandoned him for Jace and his mother had flipped out on him, he found comfort in Raphael. He was always there for Simon, making him blood cocktails or comforting him. Raphael also knew was loss was like, and he hated seeing people go through that alone.

Tonight was no different. Simon stared up at the ceiling in his room, his hands folded across his bare stomach and his fangs casually pressing against his lips. They needed room to stretch after being compressed into his gums all day.

He felt the bed dip beside him, and he turned his head to the side to see none other than Raphael. "Raphael, what are you doing?" He asked, his voice cracking. It was like puberty all over again, his voice was getting deeper as he developed to the new customs.

"I came to check up on you, is that so wrong?" He brushed a stray piece of Simon's hair away from his face, his long nails being careful on his skin.

"No, but I'm fine." Simon looked into Raphael's eyes for the first time, ever, really. He noticed the soft tones in his eyes and the way they seemed to glow. He also noticed the way his heart sped up when Raphael would touch him, or look back into his eyes.

He felt frightened. He had felt that way since Clary, and last time it had came back to bite him in the butt.

"Si, relax. You look like you're stressing again." Raphael turned Simon around and rubbed his muscular shoulders, his eyes trailing over the bare back of Simon.

Simon hummed softly and turned back around to face Raphael again. He took his hands and tilted his head up, his eyes trailing down to Raphael's lips. "Sorry." He muttered before pressing his lips to his.

Raphael was nothing short of shocked as he pressed his lips harder against Simon's. He closed his eyes and savored the way Simon's lip was bleeding into his mouth and how Simon's fangs were stabbing him lightly.

Simon found his strength and pushed Raphael down, straddling him and leaning forward to kiss him again. They didn't have to worry about getting breathless. He reached to the side and grabbed a blood donor bag, breaking the top and filling his mouth with the succulent liquid.

He leaned down and kissed Raphael with all he had. He successfully pushed majority of the blood into his new lover's mouth, only minimal amounts slithering down his throat.

Raphael swallowed it with a shutter. "Oh, Simon. You know I hate type O Negative blood." He hissed, flipping them over and sinking his fangs into the vein in Simon's neck. He pursed his lips and began to drink the blood of the vampire.

It wouldn't matter anyway, he and Simon were both vamps. All it did was make them more lustful towards one another. He focused his mind again and smirked as Simon's head fell back into the black satin pillows.

He pressed a kiss to Simon's perfect parallel marks in his neck. He licked away the vampire blood dripping down his pale skin.

Simon smirked and ran his hands along Raphael's suit, removing the cloth and running his hands down his chiseled chest.

Raphael smirked "you seem to really enjoy this."

Simon grinned, his fangs bared. "Oh, you don't even know." He grasped Raphael's hips and pulled him between his legs, tilting his head as Raphael began to kiss him again.

He unbuckled a belt, unsure of whether it was his or the other man's. He tugged off the pants and hummed when he found they were indeed Raphael's. He took his off to follow and arched his back up, his chest pressing into the older man's.

"C'mon Si, you know I'm not one to be messed with." He ran his nail between his pecs, slicing the skin with the tip of it. He licked the beads of blood off his lover's chest.

"Mm, Raph, why have used and tainted when you can have the real thing?" He held up a different bag, marked with a large B+. B positive was Raphael's favorite, and if he had a beating heart, it'd be swelling with love. No one had ever bothered to learn Raphael's favorite things before.

He smiled and pressed a chaste kiss to Simon's lips. "After this, we're going on a date." He smirked before yanking the bag into his hands and piercing the plastic.

He drank a small amount of it before squirting it into Simon's mouth from the small hole. He didnt care they had blood around their mouths as he kissed Simon sloppily and messily.

He pulled back again and dripped the blood all over Simon's chest and lower stomach. He licked off the areas, savoring the metallic taste. He licked the v-shaped muscles on Simon's lower abdomen, grinning as Simon's hands shook with pleasure and desire.

"Oh, don't worry Si. I'll show you how vamps have fun."

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