Extra: What happened to Nick and Pippa?

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I’ve been asked recently if Nick and Pippa would be returning for Recovering Amy. Unfortunately, they do not return (other than slight mentions throughout), and so I thought I’d give you all this summary of what happened to them in the time between stories (which is about eight years!).

                So, without further ado:

“I haven’t spoken to Pippa in weeks. She hates me, Amy. I have no idea why, but she refused to talk to me about whatever it is that’s wrong. Maybe she’s on a prolonged stage of PMS-ing.”

                -- Nick, Convincing Amy (Chapter 39)

As we all know, at the end of Convincing Amy, things turned sour for Nick and Pippa’s romantic fling. Though it was not confirmed in the story, this was due to a misunderstanding after Nick rejected Pippa for sex one night because he had to work on an assignment due the following morning. Pippa, in her crazy mind, couldn’t understand this, and so she gave him the cold shoulder for the rest of the story. Nick didn’t quite understand what he’d done wrong to annoy Pippa so much, but he didn’t try to find out – he actually enjoyed being freed from the tight and possessive clutches of Pippa. So, when they flew home to Australia in July, Nick got off at Brisbane, Amy at Melbourne, and Pippa continued on to Perth. Their plans of moving in together were never followed through.

                And now for what happened afterwards.


By Christmas of that same year, Nick had rekindled his relationship with one of his high school girlfriends, Felicity Haverford. They moved in together in the new year, and two years later, they were married. Three years after this, their first child was born – a daughter, Alexis Pratt. Two years after this (and around the time Recovering Amy is set), they continued to expand their family with twin girls – Rachael and Candice Pratt.

                Felicity and Nick are very different characters. On one hand, Nick is a hard-working individual who places great value on the benefits of personal hard yakka, whilst Felicity prefers to live in the moment, working for little in her life. As such, after completing his law degree, Nick immediately began practising law to earn an income for his wife and his baby daughter, whilst Felicity quit her part-time job to be a stay-at-home mother. This only snowballed when their twins were born. As a result, strain often occurred between the two, and much of the romance has left their relationship. Rather, they live to support their children now, their marriage intact for their children’s sake.

                It was assumed that Nick maintained a casual friendship with Matthew and Amy, and from this, it was implied that he attended their wedding in Chapter 1, though this was not explicitly announced. Since their parting after Yale, Nick has never had any contact with Pippa.


Pippa is from an incredibly wealthy family in Perth. Her father was a bank manager and her mother worked in public relations, and therefore, Pippa’s family was always famous around the suburbs of Perth. She completed her law degree after her return from Yale, though since her graduation, she has not put her degree into a career. She continues to live off the family wealth that she will one day inherit.

                Pippa had no stable relationship following her break-up with Nick. She had many short-lived relationships and one-night stands, but nothing serious. Her father became ashamed of this behaviour, and set her up with a young but highly-regarded employee at one of his many bank branches, Simon Bradbury. Simon was being pressured by his high-class family, too, to settle down and marry to ensure their family’s wealth. Simon and Pippa married the following year, and they soon began to actually fall in love with one another afterwards. Two years later, they adopted a child from Cambodia to “boost their public image”, Jaladhi Bradbury, as Pippa had no desire to sacrifice her body with an actual pregnancy. Jaladhi will inherit both the Jones and Bradbury fortune.

                Pippa maintained no contact with Nick or Amy following their time at Yale.

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