Epilogue: The Future

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 “Hey, Mum, can you get the light switch?”

                The kitchen was suddenly plunged into relative darkness, the only light coming from the feint dusk evening. Amy collected the large sponge cake and walked over to the dining table, where her friends and family were already seated.

                “Ready everybody?” she asked as she placed the cake down on the table in front of her daughter and Matthew. “Happy birthday to you…”

                Everybody joined in the chorus of ‘Happy Birthday’, and a few cameras captured Gracelyn’s look of surprise and joy at all the attention she was receiving. She clapped her hands as everybody cheered “Hooray!”, and attempted to help Matthew in blowing out her two candles.

                As everybody clapped, Matthew kissed Gracelyn’s cheek lovingly, though she was disinterested – there was a wealth of mess in the waiting in front of her.

                Amy cut the cake, and everybody took a slice, Matthew sharing his with Gracelyn. Then, as the night continued to roll on and Gracelyn became tired, their guests began leaving. In next to no time, Amy and Matthew were putting their two-year-old daughter to bed in her cot.

                “I can’t believe she’s already two,” Matthew marvelled as he put another blanket over her sleeping body. “The time has flown.”

                Amy leaned into his side, and placed his hand over her abdomen, where their second child was currently developing. “Only six months to go,” she whispered.

                *             *             *

“Amy? What’s wrong?”

                Amy unclenched her jaw as the piercing pain vanished once again. “Can you come home please?”


                “I think I’m going into labour.”

                Matthew was silent on the other end of the line. “But you’re not due for another two mon-”

                “You don’t think I know that! I’m fucking telling you now, I’m going into labour.” She gasped in pain. “Can you please come home?”

                “Of course, of course,” Matthew said apologetically. “I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

                The line ended. Amy clenched her teeth and tried to quieten her protest to the pain, aware that Gracelyn was upstairs napping. She called her mum as another contraction ended.

                “Hello, sweetie! I was just thinking about you!”

                “Mum, can you come over and watch Gracie? I think I’m going into labour.”

                “Of course, honey. Do you need me to drive you-”

                “No, it’s okay, Matt’s coming home to take me. Please, can you just watch Gracie?”

                “I’ll be right over.”

                *             *             *

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