i) Boulevard of Broken Dreams

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I walk a lonely road...I walk this empty street, on the Boulevard of Broken Dreams. My shadow's the only one that walks beside me. My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating. Sometimes I wish someone up there will find me


The night was far from young; probably almost 2 a.m. ... maybe…

The sun had long abandoned the sky leaving nothing but melancholy darkness in it's wake. The moon was high above casting a disconsolate soft glow on everything it saw.

Hook staggered on the streets alone his only company was his own shadow, tripping over himself every once in a while. He had been wandering the town for gods knows how long, but it was long enough. Last time he checked the time was an hour ago... maybe... probably...

So instead of worrying about the time, he continued on, taking gulps of his rum (he had long abandoned sips). Like a nomad he wandered continiously through out the little town without a place to go, without purpose. 

The warm summer air wrapped him in a blanket of false security, a false promise that tonight will get better, not like it fooled him though. No, nothing will fool him again. Never again will he let anything give him false hope. Not after her.

Not after her.

He's not sure he'll ever be able to recover from another promise of false hope like her; But by gods did he wish, no, hoped, that she was there right then to give him the false hope he so secretly, desperately wanted... dreamed...

But no, anyway what can a pirate out of time with a hook for a hand(both stained with centuries worth of blood), hope for in this unforgiving realm. Sometimes Tinkerbell would tell him otherwise, that he was much more than that...

But Hook knew exaclty what he was; a pirate out of time, a murderer, an outsider in not only this little town called Storybrooke, but this entire world. 

At first he was okay with it, the odd stares at his pirate attire and hook, as long as he had Emma by his side, but now that she made her decision; and that decision did not include him, but instead the man who Hook couldn't dare hurt again. He not only backed off Emma because he felt guilty for destroying Bae's life, but he did it for the boy, Henry, because if he's happy, then so was Emma.

Except, now he can barely function. Sometimes he'd sit in his cabin, wallowing in his misery as he drank himself half blind... That is on... on a good night.

On horrible days and nights, his rage would consume him as he'd violently hurl a (sometimes) empty rum bottle at his cabin wall while he tossed all his belongings in every which way; then he'd wake up from those nights with bottle glass edged in the soles of his barefeet and the walls would be lined with holes that match his bloodied fist, only to repeat those actions again.

He wobbled past the Rabbit Hole, but his foot caught onto a crack and he fell face first to kiss the cold ground, almost droping his rum bottle, but when he got up and through the window his eye caught the glimmering shine from Emma's gold hair. She was throwing her head back, probably laughing at something Mary Margaret said. He wondered for a moment why Mary Margaret was at the Rabbit Hole (he didn't see her as a drinker) but when he continued on (this time to his ship) he remembered... it's Emma's bachelorette party, or what ever they call them. That only brought him to take another gulp of his rum and to stagger quickly away from the window, though he did not see that when Emma turned and saw the edge of his coat her face was coated with a look of forlorn, instead he was only reminded as to why she was getting married. She didn't love him (or at least that's what he thought).

"I've made a decision when it comes to Emma, I'm backing off," Hook said, as Neal sat next to him.

"Backing off?" Neal asked dumbly(gods was he daft?).

"For the sake of the boy, so his parent's have a fair shot without a devilously handsome pirate standing in the way,"Hook said, taking a swig of his rum.

"You're serious?"

"Yea, I am devilously handsome," Hook quipped, putting on his mask of jests to lighten the subject.

"Thanks man," Neal said with genuine gratitude, but he failed to see what Hook's true motive was, to let Emma choose Hook over Neal. But it didn't work in the favor of Hook.

No, the next thing he knew, he heard Neal asking Emma on a date. That wouldn't have been so bad if he hadn't seen Emma with Neal a few days later... their hands intertwined as they watched Henry.

That was the moment he lost all hope; hope for love, for a new beginnning, for a new life with his love... but instead he's left with a broken heart and shattered hope.

The moment Emma came into his life, he had hope... the moment she left... She took his hope with her.

Took it and left him with nothing but the few bittersweet memories of their time together. The few moments he felt like he belonged, like he was okay, but it was too good to be true.

He's not gonna let (false) hope lead him on again, because he doesn't know if he'll last long enough to find out if it's actually true…

No... he won't find out. He'll refuse to ever go through that pain again...


A/N: Hope you guys liked it, took me a bit, but leave your comments, thoughts below please, and don't forget to vote! :)

Next chapter should be up by next sunday.

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