vi) Alt Ending: My Immortal

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A/N: This is an alternate ending to the story because they were both how imagined the ending. So choose whichever one you like best.


These wounds won't seem to heal. This pain is just too real. There's just too much that time cannot erase. I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone. But though you're still with me. I've been alone all along.


The guests were holding their breath as the wedding march played and Emma walked down the aisle in her beautiful white gown. David was at her side walking her down the aisle, everyone had a large smile on their faces. Everyone except Emma. Because Emma knew she wasn’t suppose to be here. She didn’t want to be here. Somehow Snow talked her out of running away, but now, now all she wanted was to leave. To run away. To run to the docks and get away. To run to the one person who made her feel whole, made her feel like she could be happy.

She looked up at Neal and saw him smiling. That did it. She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t stand to be the only one who wasn’t happy at her own wedding. She stopped, everyone gasping as she doesn’t go forward and David tried to coax Emma to continue. Instead, she pulled out of her father’s arms and ran out of the church, ignoring all the gasps and chattering.

She ran down main street and passed the library, she glanced at the clock, it was about three minutes pass noon, but she ran, and ran and ran. She didn’t care that her dress was getting caught on sticks and stones, no, she didn’t care, she just wanted to get to the docks. To his ship. She just wanted to see him, and apologize for everything, to apologize for not telling him earlier that she loved him, for not accepting it earlier.

She ran, and ran and finally she was at the docks. Yet something seemed off, melancholy lay heavy in the air, the ship seemed to be mourning, creaking as the sea laved against the hull.

She brushed it off and ran to his door. 

“Hook! Hook are you here?” Emma shouted despite her lack of breath.


“Killian! Open the door it’s Emma,” She shouted again, worry starting to fill her heart. She pounded on the door again, but it must’ve been loose because it swung open.

Her heart dropped and and tears blurred her vision. She ran over to Killian and climbed the chair and loosened the noose from around his neck, letting him fall to the ground. In a matter of seconds she was next to him, and holding him close to her chest as she sobbed. Sobbed because of everything not said. Everything missed. Because she loved him and he didn’t know it.

“Hook! God damn it wake up! Killian!” She screamed as she pounded on his chest, but she knew she was too late. His face was far too blue.

“Killian!” She sobbed, no wailed,”Killian, don’t leave me! I love you! Please!”

She sobbed because she knew, he killed himself for her. He killed himself because he couldn’t live without her. But he didn’t know, that she can’t live without him. 

She cried and wailed as she caressed his cold face and held him close to her body, not letting go, she leans down and presses her lips against his cold blue lips. Gentle kisses was all she did, she kissed his lips, his eyes, his forehead, because she never got the chance to love him the way he deserved. The way she wanted to.

She felt even more hollow, lost, that moment, that moment is when she lost herself.

When she lost him, she lost every inch of herself. When she lost him, her walls came back up, but this time, they were permanent.

She never got over his death. Even years after, when she had gone ahead and married Neal for Henry, she was never herself again. She would spend hours staring out at the ocean, other times she’d spend the night at the Jolly Roger, rocking herself to sleep in his cabin. Other days, she’d go to the docks and stare out at the ocean, as if she was waiting for him to come back over the horizon, even though she knew the Jolly Roger had been without her captain for years. She doesn’t understand why they kept her around, out of respect for Killian maybe, but she’s glad it was here either way.

Neal could see how empty she was. She was a shell of a person now, her eyes empty, she never smiled, and never laughed. She was miserable and she wouldn’t let him comfort her. Except he didn’t know how Killian haunted her.

She couldn’t get him out of her mind. She didn’t want him to leave her mind. She felt his presence whenever she felt alone, which was always. Sometimes she’d feel his arms around her and smell him, rum and the sea. She dreamed of him, and occasionally she’d pretend she was having a conversation with him because she missed him. Missed him too much.

Slowly time passed and like Snow said, Henry grew up and moved on with his life. He went off to college and then he got married, had a job. A life. A happy life.

While Emma stayed home with Neal.

One day, she let the house without saying anything to anyone. She just walked and walked until she got to the docks and got onto the Jolly Roger. She drawled over to the captain’s quarters and took her time looking around. Her fingers touched everything in his cabin. It had been ten years since he died but the noose still hung. Nobody took it down, and right now she was glad. She had nothing to hold her back. She watched Henry grow up, her parents had two other children. Now, she just wanted her happy ending.

She picked up the chair and put it under the noose, with a soft morose smile. She stood atop it and put her head in the noose. She looked out at the ocean through the cabin window as she tipped the chair over.

As she gasped for air as she could think of is how much she missed Killian, and all the memories she had with Killian came flooding back. The beanstalk, the kiss, the cave. Everything.

And a small smile slipped onto her face as the last breath left her body and everything went black.

Because she knew now, that she was going to be with him. 


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