iv) Comfortably Numb

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The dream is gone, And I have become comfortably numb.


He nudges his head back into the noose, but he doesn’t do anything for moments. Just stands there like an exposed wound. His heart is no longer in his throat and now instead took residence at the bottom of his stomach. He closes his eyes briefly, taking in the sounds and smells of the cabin.

The water pushes the ship against the dock, rocking the ship softly like a cradle, the salty smell of the sea wraps around him like a blanket. He slowly opens his eyes and he’s no longer in the ship’s cabin instead he’s on deck, it’s looked past noon, but there was a heavy rain coming down. There were white decorations everywhere, and chairs everywhere but he’s alone, in a black suit. The deck looks like it had been vacant for hours, the white decorations and flowers started to wither and brown. Yet he remained there drenched in his suit, on the verge of tears.

His eyes flashed open, at the sound of knocks on the door, but he ignored them, maybe they’ll leave. So instead of answering the door he slowly leaned to tip the chair.

“Hook! Hook! Open the door. Hook, it’s David.”

David? Why in the bloody hell is he here? Is Emma in trouble?

Faster than he thought possible, he snaked his head out of the noose and ran to the door.

“Is Emma in trouble?” Hook asked as he opened the door just enough to see the man.

“Erm, no she’s not,” David said with a puzzled look.

“Then what do I owe this pleasant visit,” Hook said dryly.

“Ruby called me and told me she was worri-“

“I’m fine mate,” Hook said stiffly.

“Do you want to tell me whats wrong? Maybe I can help you out,” David said, calling his bluff.

“No, I don’t want to talk about it,” Hook said sharply, now numb from all the pain he’s feeling.

“If it’s about Em-“

“No, mate,I said I’m fine and I don’t need to talk,” Hook growled,”I just want to be left alone.”

David stared at Hook as if he was trying to read him, before he shook his head and turned,”All you need is hope. To believe.”

Hook stayed silent as he watched the Prince leave his ship before he closed the door and walked back to the chair, but instead of standing on it he just stared at it.



The two things Emma gave Hook. He remembered in Neverland when David told the group that he saved David’s life, and remembers when Emma first kissed him. It was passionate, filled with words they wanted to say but wouldn’t dare say aloud. It felt right. It gave Hook hope and faith. In love and in himself. That he could be a better man. That he was a good man. It made him feel like everything was going to be ok, that his secret dream of Emma loving him back could happen.

A hard wave smacks against the boat and Hook stumbles, making him snap back to reality.  That,that dream had long sailed.

He stares at the noose before going to his bed.

I’ll make a deal, he thought to himself,since Emma is not yet married, I’ll sleep this off the rum, and if Emma doesn’t show up, he’ll know her choice is final and there is nothing tethering him to this world.

He leans back on the bed comfortably and slowly his eyes flutter closed as he falls into a deep and dark slumber of nothingness. Slowly becoming completely numb of the world.

What A Wonderful Worldजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें