vi) Won't Go Home Without You

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It's not over tonight. Just give me one more chance to make it right. I may not make it through the night. I won't go home without you


Emma stood in front of the full body mirror in her white gown staring back at a woman she didn’t recognize. Her once golden hair had lost its vibrance and now looked like a dull yellow, her once bright green eyes are now sullen. She’s the bride, she should be happy, she should be excited, ecstatic even, but she’s not. If anything, she’s the polar opposite. She’s loathing the moment she has to say I do. The only thing that is keeping her from breaking it off and leaving is how excited Henry looked when he found that his parents were getting married.  But ever since she said yes, she’s felt hollow and lost. Those feelings intensified when Killian didn’t stop her, when he said he wouldn’t go. No she didn’t want him to go to the wedding to watch, no she wanted him to go so that when the pastor asked if anyone would object, he would stand and stop her from making a mistake. That they belonged together instead.

 She was too busy thinking to herself to hear Mary Margaret, arm, Snow, come in to the room.

“Oh, Emma you look beautiful,” Snow chimed as she walked over to her daughter.

“I don’t feel like it,” She mumbled under her breath as she turned to face her mom. Of course she knew she looked beautiful in the dress, everyone told her, but she never truly felt right in the dress. Or maybe it’s who she’s wearing the dress for, that feels wrong.

“Oh, sweetheart, what’s wrong?” Snow asked, grabbing Emma’s hands in her own,”Are you getting cold feet?”

Emma’s face twisted into confusion,”What? No, no. Well, yea sort of but I’ve been feeling like this for a while.”

Snow’s narrowed her eyes in concern,”How long?”

Emma’s gaze dropped from her mother’s face to the ground, out of shame perhaps,”Ever since I said yes to Neal.”

“Emma!” Snow exclaimed, dropping her daughters hands like they were hot pans.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I just, Henry was there and he looked so happy, and I wanted him to be happy,” Emma said in an apologetic tone, her head sinking between her shoulders, as if she was a turtle.

“Emma, you have to do this for yourself. Henry is going to grow up and move on with his life, but you’re going to be with your husband forever.” Snow said gently, her hands resting on Emma’s shoulders,”Emma, do it for yourself.”

Emma gave her a small smile and when she made a quick glance at a rum bottle that she had gotten from Hook, her smile widened just a bit more.

Snow saw life go back into her daughters eyes and she almost seemed to glow just thinking about Hook, and she saw it was true love. She felt bad herself for doing this to Emma, for pushing her with Neal now.

“Emma,” Snow said, her hand turning Emma’s chin to her,”Go, I’ll explain everything.”

Without another word, Emma was running out of the church holding her dress in her hand. She looked like a mad woman, but she didn’t care, she was on her way to her true love. Something she’s finally oaky with admitting.

The sun was high up in the sky and the warm wind wrapped around her, and almost felt like they were propelling her. She had a stupid grin on her face, because she knows how upset Neal is going to be, but it’s okay, because she’s gonna get her damn happy ending. 

As she passed the library clock tower, she looked up and saw that it had just struck noon. At that moment, something compelled her to run even faster, she didn’t know why, but she needed to run as fast as she could, she felt as if she didn’t she was going to be late. Late to what? She didn’t know.

All she did was run down the dock and onto Killian’s ship. She got to his door out of breath, but she didn’t care, she just knocked on the door, no more like pounded.

“Hook! Hook are you here?” Emma shouted despite her lack of breath.


“Hook! Open the door it’s Emma,” She shouted again, worry starting to fill her heart. She pounded on the door again, but it must’ve been loose because it swung open.

Her heart jumped into her throat at what she saw, Hook lightly swinging from the ceiling, and a chair laying on the ground. Without another thought she was at his desk looking for something to cut him down with, but to her surprise nothing, so instead of wasting anymore time she stood atop of the chair and loosened the noose, which causes him to fall to the ground.

Quicker than lightening she was at his side feeling for a pulse that was barely there. When she was getting him down, she didn’t allow herself to think about it until he was safely on the ground, but now, now she can’t hold back her tears.

“Hook, stay with me,” She cried as she performed chest compression on him, “Hook don’t you dare leave me!”

Again she felt for a pulse but there was none.

She started to bang on his chest out of anger and frustration with tears running down her cheeks.

“Damn it Killian! Don’t do this!” She screamed, continuing to do chest compressions, and putting her mouth over his to breath air in, but she knew it was hopeless.

She knew it was hopeless so she stopped trying to breath life into him, she started to kiss him, out of anger, loneliness, out of desperation.

Suddenly there was a tongue pushing on her lips and a hand slipping into her hair. He was kissing back. He was alive.

Tears started to flow even harder, as she realized he was alive. She kissed him harder, pressing her lips and tongue harder into his, before biting on his lip. Hard.

“Ow,” Killian said, pulling away,”what was that for?”

She opened her eyes and smacked him across the face,”For dancing with death you son of a bitch.”

But pulled him up so that they were sitting up, she was sitting on his lap and she just pulled his lapels and laid her head on his chest,

He lifted his hand to her hair and stroked it,”Why, are you here? Why aren’t you with Neal?”

She smiled against his neck, her hand raising and splaying against his chest,“Because I love you. I will always love you.”

He smiled and lifted her face to his, but Emma interrupted him,”Just, don’t ever do that to me again.”

He chuckled before whispering,”As you wish.”

He gently pressed his lips against her’s.

At that moment, they both felt loved.

In each other’s arms, everything felt right.

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